Apocalypse West

  • 33 Replies
Apocalypse West
« on: November 01, 2010, 11:07:51 PM »
It's 1875.  It's the Apocalypse.

Take one part Apocalypse World, one part Deadlands, and maybe a teensy sprinkle of the Dark Tower, and you have APOCALYPSE WEST.

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2010, 11:10:38 PM »
The Saint
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.”
Revelations 1:14

The world might be dead, and God, or the gods, or the spirits, or what have you might have moved on.  But the Saints haven't.  The holy man who refuses to give up hope in the face of darkness, the tribal shaman, warring against strange creatures, or the retired schoolmarm, running the orphanage because someone has to look after those kids- these are the people that are looking out for you.

If you're going to pray, pray for a Saint.


Choose one:

Cool =0 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp =0 Weird +2
Cool =0 Hard -2 Hot =0 Sharp +2 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard =0 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird +2

Basic Moves

You get all the Basic Moves

Saint Moves

Pick two of the following:

Armor of Faith:  Your faith counts as Armor 1.  If you're wearing conventional armor instead, use that instead.

Consecrate:  When you perform rites of your faith to consecrate an item for a certain task, roll + Weird.  On a 10+, hold 3.  On a 7-9, hold 1.  Anytime any character makes a roll while using the item for the named task, they may spend 1 hold to gain +1 forward for that roll.
If the consecrated item is a weapon, a character may spend a hold when inflicting harm with it to treat the weapon as whatever the target is vulnerable to, if it happens to have a specific vulnerability or weakness.
A character can only Consecrate one item at a time.  On a miss, you may not Consecrate any more items this session.

Flock:  You gain a small following or congregation, your flock.  At the beginning of each session, roll + Sharp.  On a 10+, your flock has surplus.  On a 7-9, they have surplus, and choose 1 want.  On a miss, they are in want.  If their surplus lists barter, that's your share, padre.

Lay on Hands:  When you put your hands skin-to-skin on a wounded person and open your soul to their injuries, roll + Weird.  On a 10+, they heal 1 segment.  On a 7-9, they heal 1 segment, and you are acting under fire from their injuries  On a miss, you've opened up both your souls to the mystic wasteland.  Treat it as though you've made that move and blown the roll.

Voice of God
:  When you speak with the voice of authority and faith, you may roll + Weird instead of + Hot to manipulate someone.

Watchful Healing:  You know techniques for speeding the healing process.  Characters healing under your care heal in twice the time.

If you have a Flock, by default it's about 10 followers, loyal to you but not fanatical.  They have their own lives, and live in the community.  They occasionally give you tithes and gifts.  (Surplus: 1 Barter, Want: + Anxiety.)

Choose 2:
*Your flock is involved in a useful business or commerce.  Surplus +1 Barter.
*Your flock is willing to fight at your call, and counts as a gang with harm and armor appropriate to the situation.
*Your flock contains some wise individuals who you can call upon for council.  Surplus: + Insight.
*Your flock is willing to uproot and follow you if you demand it (and if they're in a good mood).  Surplus: + Mobile
*Your flock is big, about 20 followers.  Surplus +1 Barter, replace Want: Anxiety with Want: + Desertion.

And choose 1:
*Your flock is isolated from the community.  They're really more like a cult.  Want: + Outsiders.
*Your flock is tiny, like a half dozen people.  Surplus -1 Barter.
*You aren't entirely in control of your flock.  Want: Judgment.
*Your flock is held together only by your strong personality.  If you are not physically with your flock at the start of the session, take -2 to your roll.


You get a practical weapon, fashion suitable to your look (but no armor), and 1 barter.


On your turn, if any character is a member of your flock, tell them +2.  Otherwise, tell them =0.  You're pretty strange.

On the others' turns, choose one or both of the following:
*You gave that person sanctuary once when they needed it.  Whatever number they tell you, ignore it and write +3.
*You've seen the darkness that lurks in their heart.  Whatever number they tell you, ignore it and write +3.
Everyone else, you're a darn good judge of character.  Take the number they tell you, and add +1 to it.

Saint Special

Saints don't have sex.  Carnal pleasure for it's own sake violates the temple of the body, and it would be a sin to bring a child into this broken world.   A Saint who has sex with another character must immediately change playbooks.

(The Saint is in some ways a cross between an Angel and a Hocus (duh), but I think in practice the special move will make it very different.)

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 12:54:09 PM »

The Gambler

"The only business in the world bigger than gambling is religion...but gambling is not nearly so corrupt."   - J. R. Miller
“You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away, know when to run
You never count your money, when you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin', when the dealin's done.” - Kenny Rogers, The Gambler

Let lesser men gamble their coins, their chips, their papers.  You play the greatest game, wagering your soul.  The walls dividing this physical realm from the spiritual are thin now, and even a rake like yourself can perform 'miracles.'  It's all very simple really: project your consciousness into the mystic wastes, find a spirit, and cheat it out of its powers.  What could possibly go wrong?


Choose one:

Cool +1 Hard =0 Hot +1 Sharp -1 Weird +2
Cool -2 Hard +1 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Cool =0 Hard =0 Hot =0 Sharp +1 Weird +2
Cool =0 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird +2

Basic Moves

You get all the basic moves.

Gambler Moves

Choose two of the following:

Cardsharp:  In your hands, a simple playing card is a deadly and accurate thrown weapon.  (2 harm close, infinite)

Cardswarm:  Sometimes, a Gambler needs a distraction to make a speedy exit.  All you have to do is pick up a deck of cards, and shuffle them just so.  Roll + Weird.  On a hit, a barrage of cards flies out, blanketing the whole area in cards, which flutter slowly to the ground, granting -1 forward to all rolls made to do things like fire into or out of the area.  On a 10+, choose either:
*Increase the penalty to -2 forward.
*The effect is particularly long lasting, enough to last for an entire battle.

Devil's Bargain: You've sold part of your soul to the things that lurk in the mystic wastes.  You may spend 1 experience before making a roll to gain +1 forward.

Hellfire:  When you call up hellfire, roll + Weird.  On a 7-9, hold 2, on a 10+, hold 4.  While you have hold, your hands blaze with hellfire (your fists do 2 harm, hand, ap, fire)  You can spend one hold to shoot a blast of fire (2 harm, close/far, ap, fire), or two hold for a burst (2 harm, close, area, ap, messy, fire)  You can let go of your hold at any time.

Satan's Little Helper:  When you conjure up a spirit to do your bidding, roll + Weird.  On a 7-9, hold 2, on a 10+, hold 3.  Spend your hold, 1:1 to order your spirit to do a number of tasks, such as spying, sneaking somewhere, stealing something, sabotaging something, hexing someone, or reporting back.  If you miss, you think the spirit's under your control, but it's not.

Shortcut:  Choose one: shadows, mirrors, or doorways.  When you enter your chosen portal with a destination in mind, roll + Weird.  On a hit, you can emerge from a similar portal anywhere in the general area.  On a 10+, you can emerge anywhere, as long as you have seen the location previously.  On a miss, you show up... somewhere else.


You get a cheater's weapon, a deck of cards, fashion suitable to your look, (possibly including armor), and 3 barter.

Gambler Special

When you have sex with someone, roll + Hx.  (Or + Hot for an NPC).  On a 7-9, you gain +1 Hx with them, and they lose -1 Hx with you.  On a 10+, you gain +1 Hx with them, and take +1 forward.  On a miss, you lose -1 Hx with them, they gain +1 Hx with you, and you take -1 forward.

(The Gambler is totally Deadland's Huckster, with a little bit more of the Faustian angle thrown in there.)

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 04:43:02 PM »
How about some previews of coming attractions?

The Hardholder is likely to make it through intact, perhaps even keeping the name.  The Chopper gets a horse instead, but the gang boss remains a conceit.  (Black Hat?  Renegade?)

The Driver gives us Lone Rider, and the Gunlugger, the Gunslinger.  These are perhaps reinterpretations of the playbooks.  The Savvyhead certainly informs the design of the Junker, and the Skinner has its similarities to the Siren.  Both the Junker and Siren have all new sex moves picked out.
(I want an Operator analog, but I'm having trouble coming up with the right schtick.)

The Law Dog is a wanderer, meting out justice in an unfair world.  And then there's the Revenant, but that's going to have to wait.

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 11:17:45 AM »
Introducing... The Lone Rider
“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death.”
Revelations 6:8

There aren't many you can count on in this world.  But you can always count on your horse.


Choose One:

Cool +2 Hard +1 Hot =0 Sharp +1 Weird -2
Cool +2 Hard -1 Hot +1 Sharp =0 Weird =0
Cool +2 Hard =0 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird =0
Cool +2 Hard =0 Hot -1 Sharp =0 Weird +1
Cool +2 Hard -1 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird -1

Basic Moves

You get all the basic moves.

Lone Rider Moves

You get this one:

Born on Horseback:  When on horseback, you get the following:
*When you Act Under Fire, add your Horse's Spirit to the roll.
*When you Go Aggro or Seize by Force, add your Horse's Power to the roll.
*When you Seduce or Manipulate someone, add your Horse's Looks to the roll.
*When you Open Your Spirit to the Mystic Wastes, add your Horse's Spirit to the roll.
*When you Help someone, add your Horse's Power to the roll.
*When someone Interferes with you, they add your Horse's Weakness to the roll.

Then choose one:

Animal Lover:  When you Read an Animal, roll + Sharp.  On a hit, you may ask questions as if you had used the Read a Person move on them.

Change Horses:  You get two additional horses.

Iron Horse:  You get an extra horse that's special in some way- maybe it's a dead horse, a clockwork Junker invention, or even one of the four Horses of the Apocalypse.  Pick one of the following  profiles:
Looks +2, Power +2, Spirit +2, Weakness +2
Looks +1, Power +3, Spirit +2, Weakness +2
Make up an appropriate Strength, Look, or Weakness.

On the Trail, Forever:  When you breathe life back into your dead horse, it gets back up.  Add +1 to its weakness, and +1 to its Looks, Power, or Spirit (max +2).

Scrapper:  When you Seize By Force, roll + Cool instead of + Hard.

Wander the Wastes:  When you travel alone into the wilderness, roll + Cool.
On a 10+, hold 4.  On a 7-9, hold 2.  You can travel to any named location you've ever heard of, and spend your hold accordingly to alter the journey:
*You can travel to any named location, even one you haven't heard of.
*The journey takes you twice as fast as you normally would.
*The journey takes a single day. (3 hold)
*You can lead other people there (1 hold per person).
*You arrive in an advantageous position, take +1 forward.


You get one trail weapon, fashion suitable to your look (including armor if appropriate), goods worth 1 barter, and a superior horse.

Superior Horses

Chose one of the following profiles:
Looks +2  Power +1 Spirit +1 Weakness +1
Looks +1 Power +1 Spirit +2 Weakness +1
Looks +1 Power +2 Spirit +1 Weakness +1

Choose its Strength or Strengths, as many as its power.
Fast, Rugged, Nimble, Smart, Loyal, Workhorse, Healthy, Fierce, Huge, Independent, Breeder

Choose its Look or Looks, as many as its looks.
Compact, Huge, Mangy, Deformed, Pretty, Sleek, Well-Bred, Awe-Inspiring, Scarred, Thin

Choose a Weakness:
Filthy, Fickle, Gluttonous, Horny, Lazy, Mean, Nervous, Picky, Sickly, Slow

Lone Rider Special
When you have sex with another character, roll + Cool.  On a 10+, they inspire you, you take +1 forward ongoing while fighting for them the next day.  On a 7-9, it's awkward, they get +1 Hx with you, but you lose -1 Hx with them.  On a miss, you ride away while they're sleeping.

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 06:42:12 PM »
I'm a bit conflicted over Devil's Bargain.  On the one hand, I really like the idea, but it seems far too weak as written.  1 xp for +2, on the other hand, seems really strong- too strong?

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2010, 09:30:13 PM »

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2010, 05:15:47 PM »
There are lots of really good flourishes here. That The Gambler gets a "cheater's weapon" is brilliant.

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2010, 10:46:33 AM »
Introducing... The Siren

Beauty, grace, raw sex appeal.  How many will you lead to their dooms?


Choose One:

Cool +1 Hard =0 Hot +2 Sharp +1 Weird -1
Cool =0  Hard -1 Hot +2 Sharp +1 Weird +1
Cool -1 Hard -1 Hot +2 Sharp =0 Weird +2
Cool =0 Hard +1 Hot +2 Sharp =0 Weird =0

Basic Moves

You get all the basic moves.

Siren Moves

Pick two:

Artful & Gracious:  When you put on a performance or place your art on display in front of its intended audience, roll + Hot.  On a 10+, hold 3, on a 7-9, hold 1.  Spend all your hold to name an NPC member of the audience and choose one of the following:
*This person must meet me.
*This person must have my services.
*This person loves me.
*This person must give me a gift.
*This person admires my patron.
On a miss, you gain no particular benefit, but no particular downside either.

Black Widow:  When you Go Aggro, roll + Hot for NPCs and + Hx for PCs.

Fascinating:  When you have time and solitude with someone, they become fascinated with you.  Roll + Hot.  On a 10+, hold 3.  On a 7-9, hold 2.  They can spend their hold, 1 for 1, by doing any of the following:
*Giving you something you want.
*Acting as your eyes and ears.
*Fighting to protect you.
*Doing something they tell you to.
NPCs cannot act against you while you have hold over them.  For PCs, anytime you like, you may spend your hold, 1 for 1:
*inspire them with the thought of you; they gain +1 forward now.
*distract them with the thought of you, they are acting under fire.
On a miss, they know what you were trying to do, and do not appreciate it.

Silver Tongued Devil:  You can talk anyone into just about anything.  When you Seduce or Manipulate a person, you don't have to have any kind of leverage.

Siren's Song:  When you sing, anyone who does anything other than watch and listen is acting under fire.

Welcome to My Parlor:  You have a safe haven.  When you are in your Parlor, any move you use that generates Hold gets +1 Hold.


You get:

One sexy little weapon, two items of luxury, goods worth 1 barter, and fashion suitable to your look.

Siren Special:

Whenever you and another character have sex, choose one of the following three options:

*Turn their sex move back on them- they use their sex move, and you use their sex move.
*Commit their sex move to memory.
*Use any sex move you've previously learned.



  • 1293
Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2010, 12:41:42 PM »
The siren's sex move is sweet.

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2010, 12:16:43 PM »
Introducing... The Gunslinger
"I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.
I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.
I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart."
-Stephen King, the Gunslinger

There's gunslingers, and then there's Gunslingers, toughened warriors who pack hard calibers and live for the showdown at high noon.  A Gunslinger does not wield death; he is death.


Choose one:

Cool =0 Hard +2 Hot +0 Sharp +1 Weird =0
Cool +1  Hard +2 Hot -2 Sharp +1 Weird +1
Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot -2 Sharp +2 Weird -1
Cool +2 Hard +2 Hot -2 Sharp +1 Weird -1

Basic Moves

You get all the basic moves.

Man With No Name

When you make your character, you may choose to be a Man With No Name.  If you do, you have no name, and do not have access to the Seduce or Manipulate move, and that move cannot be used against you.

Gunslinger Moves

You get this one:

Aim With My Eye, Shoot With My Mind:  When you read a charged situation, on a hit you may immediately make another move.  On a miss, the MC does not get to make a hard move.

Choose 2 of the following:

Fan the Hammer:  Any Revolver you wield gains the Area and Reload keywords.

Killer's Heart:  Whenever you inflict harm, inflict +1 harm.

One Man Gang:  In battle, you count as a small gang, inflicting harm and having armor as appropriate.

The Stare:  When you enter a battle or duel, roll + Cool.  On a hit, make eye contact with an NPC, who hesitates and cannot take action until you break off the stare.  On a 10+, the duel is sacrosanct, onlookers cannot interfere with either or you.  On a miss, everyone involved identifies you as their biggest threat.

Tough Customer:  While you are injured, you gain +1 Armor.

True Grit:  When you act under fire, roll Hard instead of Cool.


You get one hard caliber weapon (name it), one solid weapon, and two backup weapons.  You get Armor 1, and goods worth 1 barter.

Gunslinger Special:

If you and another character have sex, you get +1 forward.  At your option, they also take +1 forward.

(Yeah, the Gunslinger is pretty much the Gunlugger.  Armor's a little scarcer in Apocalypse West than Apocalypse World.)

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2010, 04:51:54 PM »
This is way cooler than anything I've been working on. Cheers! It looks super rad.

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2010, 08:50:43 PM »
"The Stare" is my favorite addition to the Gunslinger v. the Gunlugger. That's perfect for a western duelist!

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2010, 10:09:42 AM »
Introducing... THE LAW DOG

There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play
And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about to-day
Texas Red had not cleared leather when a bullet fairly ripped
And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip

It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round
There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground
Oh he might have gone on living but he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hip
-Big Iron, Johnny Cash

The States are gone, and law and order with them.  Each town is a State unto itself, and an outlaw can evade justice by riding hard to the next hold over.  Maybe you were a lawman before everything went to Hell, or maybe you're just standing up for what's right, but you know one thing for sure.  Justice comes from the barrel of a gun.


Choose one:

Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird -2
Cool +1  Hard +2 Hot =0 Sharp +1 Weird -1
Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird -2
Cool +2 Hard +2 Hot -1 Sharp +1 Weird -2

Hangin' Crimes

A number of Lawdog moves refer to Hangin' Crimes: Crimes normally punishable by hangin' throughout the west.  The Hangin' Crimes are: murder, arson, grand theft, cattle theft, horse theft, rape, and witchcraft.

Basic Moves

You get all the Basic Moves.

Lawdog Moves

Choose two.

Always Get Your Man:  When you follow the trail of someone you know is guilty of a crime, roll + Sharp.  On a 10+, you will inexorably track them to their destination, and choose one:
*You catch them on even footing.
*You catch up to them before they reach their destination.
*You beat them to their destination, and can prepare for their arrival.
On a 7-9, you track them to their destination, but the MC chooses one:
*When you catch up to them, they have the advantage.
*The journey is long and arduous.
*To catch them, you have to ride ahead of your companions.

Hunchin':  When you Open your Mind, roll + Sharp instead of + Weird.

Judge of the Guilty: When you Read a Person, you have two extra questions you can ask:
*Have you committed any Hangin' Crimes in the last year?
*Have you ever committed (name a particular Hangin' Crime)?

Justice Comes From the Barrel of a Gun:  You do +1 Harm to those you know are guilty of a Hangin' Crime, and you get +1 Armor against their attacks.

Rally the Townsfolk
:  When you speak to a mob about a threat that concerns their livelihood, roll + Cool.  On a hit, they unite and will fight for you as a gang (2 harm, 0-armor, Vulnerable: Desertion, size appropriate).  On a 10+, add +1 harm, +1 armor to the gang, or lose Vulnerable.
On a miss, congrats, you're the scapegoat.

Welcome Reputation
:  When you enter a community with your badge of office revealed, roll + Cool.
On a hit, they welcome you into the community, and tell you their sorrows.  On a 10+, you take +1 forward for dealing with members of the community.  On a miss, they don't trust you, and close themselves off to you.


You get one Big Iron, a solid weapon, and a backup weapon.  You also get a badge of office, a sturdy noose, 1 Armor, a horse, and goods worth 2 barter.

Chose one of the following profiles:
Looks +1  Power +1 Spirit +1 Weakness +1
Looks +2 Power +1 Spirit +1 Weakness +2
Looks +1 Power +2 Spirit +1 Weakness +2
Looks +1  Power +1 Spirit +2 Weakness +2

Normally, your Horse's profile won't matter, unless you pick up the Born On Horseback move.

Choose its Strength or Strengths, as many as its power.
Fast, Rugged, Nimble, Smart, Loyal, Workhorse, Healthy, Fierce, Huge, Independent, Breeder

Choose its Look or Looks, as many as its looks.
Compact, Huge, Mangy, Deformed, Pretty, Sleek, Well-Bred, Awe-Inspiring, Scarred, Thin

Choose a Weakness or Weaknesses, as many as its Weakness:
Filthy, Fickle, Gluttonous, Horny, Lazy, Mean, Nervous, Picky, Sickly, Slow

Re: Apocalypse West
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2010, 11:01:03 AM »
And also introducing... THE BLACK HAT
"Can't you hurry this up a bit? I hear they eat dinner in Hades at twelve sharp and I don't aim to be late." - Black Jack Ketchum, Last Words

"A jail is just like a nutshell with a worm in it, the worm will always get out." - John Dillinger

"Listen, your job is to back me up, because you'd starve without me. And you, your job is to shut up." - Butch Cassidy.

These days, all a man needs to make his mark on the world is a horse, a gun, and a gang of thugs willing to do all kinds of foulness at the slightest provocation.  Fortunately, none of those things are in short supply.


Choose one:

Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp =0 Weird -1
Cool =0 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird -1
Cool =0 Hard +2 Hot +2 Sharp -1 Weird -1
Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot +1 Sharp +1 Weird -2

Basic Moves

You get all the Basic Moves

Black Hat Moves

You get these two:

The Boss:  When you impose your will on your gang, roll + Hard.  On a 12+, all 4.  On a 10+, choose 3.  On a 7-9. choose 2.  On a miss, none of them, and someone in your gang will try to make a dedicated attempt.
*They do what you want.
*They don't fight back over it.
*You don't have to make an example of one of them.
*You don't have to pay them extra.

Liars and Thieves:  When you have your gang turn out their pockets and saddlebags for something, roll + Hard.  It has to be something small enough to fit.
On a 10+, one of your guys has just the thing, or close enough.  On a 7-9, one of them has something pretty close.  On a miss, one of them had it, but some asshole stole it.

Your Gang

By default, your gang consists of about 15 violent thugs, murderers, and reprobates with decent armaments, no armor, a couple of horses, and no fucking discipline at all.  (2 harm 0 armor gang small savage).
Choose 2:
*Your gang consists of 30 or so violent bastards.  Medium instead of small.
*Your gang is well armed.  +1 Harm.
*Your gang has solid armor.  +1 Armor.
*Your gang is disciplined.  Remove Savage.
*Your gang is self-sufficient, and does lots of raiding and scavenging.  +Rich.
*Your gang has horses enough for everyone.  +Mobile.
Choose 1:
*Your gang is loose-knit, with members coming and going freely.  Vulnerable: Desertion.
*Your gang is in significant debt to someone powerful.  Vulnerable: Obligation.
*Your gang consists of infamous criminals, with large bounties of goods on your heads.  Vulnerable: Reprisals.
*Your gang is fucking filthy.  Vulnerable: Disease.
*Your gang is unusually superstitious.  Vulnerable: Spooked.


You get 2 solid weapons, a horse, fashion, including Armor 1, and goods worth 1 barter.

Chose one of the following profiles:
Looks +1  Power +1 Spirit +1 Weakness +1
Looks +2 Power +1 Spirit +1 Weakness +2
Looks +1 Power +2 Spirit +1 Weakness +2
Looks +1  Power +1 Spirit +2 Weakness +2

Normally, your Horse's profile won't matter, unless you pick up the Born On Horseback move.

Choose its Strength or Strengths, as many as its power.
Fast, Rugged, Nimble, Smart, Loyal, Workhorse, Healthy, Fierce, Huge, Independent, Breeder

Choose its Look or Looks, as many as its looks.
Compact, Huge, Mangy, Deformed, Pretty, Sleek, Well-Bred, Awe-Inspiring, Scarred, Thin

Choose a Weakness or Weaknesses, as many as its Weakness:
Filthy, Fickle, Gluttonous, Horny, Lazy, Mean, Nervous, Picky, Sickly, Slow

Black Hat Special
If you and another character have sex, their Hx with you changes to +3, and they choose whether you gain +1 or -1 Hx with them.

(Yup, it's the Chopper.  Gang rules are a little different, and I think The Boss will be good for the longevity of some of its members.  Or maybe not.)