Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about

  • 22 Replies
Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« on: October 20, 2010, 03:23:04 AM »

I got myslef a copy of the rules (awesome by the way!) with a copy of the Faceless playbook (awesome+) off of the marvelous Graham Walmsley (cheers Graham!) but I keep on seeing mention of a Maestro D' on these forums. Who is this dude (or dudette)?

More importantly, is there a way I can get my grubby mitts on a copy of the playbook?

And on a related note, I've been making some laminated copies of the playbooks for when I MC games of AW at cons, as I'm UK based when I print the playbooks out they are a slightly different size to the American ones I got with my rules (A4 as opposed to foolscap(sp?)). Is there anyway to get a pdf copy of the Faceless playbook just so's I can make them all the same size and, you know, look all purty like?



  • 166
Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2010, 06:15:59 AM »
The Maestro D' is a character playbook you get for either having helped playtest the game, or pre-ordering it.

Not possible to get now, unless you build a machine to go back in time! Or, I dunno, someone gives it to you.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2010, 06:52:31 AM »
Curses! Guess I'll have to complete my work on the Temporal Distortion Machine I've been working on. Lets hope it doesn't result in all the alternative Earths crashing into ours and creating some sort of weird apocalypse with all sorts of mutations constantly happening (cause lets face it - Gamma World sucks when compared to Apocalypse World!).

Mind you this limited edition playbook thing is kinda like the extra cards for Gamma World - except for tha fact I actually want these of course!

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2010, 11:10:27 AM »
So I've already spoken my opinion on the exclusive playbooks and I won't go into that again...

but this seems like a good time to ask another question.  Are we allowed to make copies of our exclusive playbooks and trade them to other people for copies of different exclusive playbooks?

Because if so, kaiserjez, I'd send you a copy of my Maestro D' for your Faceless.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2010, 11:37:40 AM »
Who would stop you?

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2010, 02:23:15 PM »
I will.  I will hunt you all to the ends of the earth.  I will track you like vermin, the scent of your cowardice and betrayal thick and redolent in my flaring nostrils.

so yeah.  Don't do it.  n'stuff.  This little act of humour actually made me think that there seems should be a splat called "Driven" or something of the like:  Someone following revenge, or some goal to the exception of all else.  Sounds very z-axis to me, no?

Of course, I might just be spouting off something someone is already doing.  I'm known to do such things.
My real name is Timo

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2010, 04:37:58 PM »
Who would stop you?

Technically it would be a violation of Vincent's copyright.  Now, I've got all kind of opinions of copyright law that there is absolutely no reason to go into here... but what it boils down to, to me, is that despite those opinions and my opinions on this "exclusivity" business, I respect Vincent, so if he said he didn't want people trading copies, I'd go "Okay, cool, dude."

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2010, 04:40:58 PM »
It would be kind of neat if the "rule" was that you can only pass them along to someone with whom you're playing the game.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2010, 08:06:44 PM »
I like that notion, because then it would be a neat viral thing: "Hey, I was in a game with Whosit, and she had the Maestro D', so I copied it out on this piece of lined paper. Sure, we can copy it over to use in this game - can I check out the Faceless you got from Dudeguy?"

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2010, 08:37:40 PM »
I love that idea, in theory.  In practice, it would mean I'd never share non-standard playbooks with anyone, as my play is almost entirely limited to my own local group, and I'm the only one who loves RPGs enough to actually buy the darned things.  :)

I mean, I get why you wouldn't want to just post them all publicly for everyone to have (I don't agree with it, but I get it), but there's more middle ground to be explored yet.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2010, 03:23:56 AM »

I do kinda dig the collectable aspect of these extra playbooks. I would prefer it if they were exclusive only for a limited time - say 3 months or so, but I can live with not getting the odd one if Vincent want's to keep things how they are.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2010, 09:15:58 AM »
I figure anyone who wants them will find a way.  I have Maestro D' and not Faceless.  It hasn't occurred to me to offer the Maestro D' up to my buddies, but if one of them asked, I'd make a copy.  I have no idea if that's how Vincent envisions it, but I can't imagine he really expects people to *not* share them.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2010, 10:34:39 AM »
On that note, I've just got into AW, and got the Quarantine thanks to the Human Contact Kickstarter offer. But apart from knowing that I won't be able to get hold of a copy, it would be good to know a bit more about what I've missed!

So, would it be possible for can someone post a quick summary or link describing the Maestro D' (and Faceless)? You know, the 'back cover blurb' like this:
It’s possible, when the Golden Age of Legend fell, that no one saw it coming. It’s possible that it came upon them unprepared and unsuspecting. Maybe they, like we, were simply fucked.

It’s also possible that they knew.
And ideally, some other tidbits like the teasers Vincent gave out for the Quarantine too, if that's OK?

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2010, 11:17:26 AM »
In the golden age of legend, there was this guy named Maestro. He was known for dressing up real dap and whever he went, the people had much luxe tune. There was this other guy named Maitre d'. He was known for dressing up real dap and whever he went, the people had all the food they could eat and the fanciest of it.

Here in Apocalypse World, those two guys are dead. They died and the fat sizzled off them, they died same as much-luxe-tune and all-you-can-eat. The maestro d' now, he can't give you what those guys used to could, but fuck it, maybe he can find you a little somthin somethin to take the off the edge.

Is it true everywhere, always? Was it true in the golden age of legend, when life was kind? For certain it’s true here in Apocalypse World: some of us are born and grow up and live without faces. We have things on the fronts of our heads, of course, but they’re soft, malleable, expressive, revealing things, they aren’t our faces. Our faces would be hard, ungiving, silent and stern, they would be what we are. They would never flinch.

Re: Who's this Maestro D' dude I keep hearing about
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2010, 08:17:49 AM »
Cool, thanks.