Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements

  • 8 Replies
Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« on: October 23, 2010, 10:11:56 AM »
Now that I am on my 3rd PB, it is really hard for me to get 5 Improvements to be able to select the Advanced ones. I counted and I can only possibly choose 4 Basic Advancements. Can I just accumulate the 5th Improvement, and not spend it? And then when I get my 6th Improvement I can spend it on and Advanced Improvement?

Also want to say that I already have created a 2nd character who has only a few Basic Improvements, so I am not stuck with only one maxed out guy.

Another line of questions along the same path, can I just accumulate and not spend the Improvements I have at all? As I said I can choose 4 Basic Improvements, but it doesn't mean it makes sense or that I want them. So can I accumulate 5 Improvements and then start spending when I get number 6?

Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 08:22:34 PM »
I'm not sure I entirely understand the problem, but... are you thinking that you need to take five normal improvements for every advanced improvement you take? That's not the case. Once you get past five improvements, you can start taking as many of the ungiven future ones as you get the experience for.

Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2010, 09:54:04 PM »
Out of all the options available, I cannot select more than 4 Basic Improvements because I have them all.

I am playing a Savvyhead for the 2nd time. So here is the list and what I have:

get +1cool (max cool+2) - Already have cool+2
get +1hard (max hard+2) - Already have hard+2
get +1sharp (max sharp+2) - Already have sharp+2
get a new savvyhead move - Already have all the savvyhead moves
get a new savvyhead move - Already have all the savvyhead moves
get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlighting - Can take this #1
get a gang (detail) for security, and leadership - Can take this #2
add life support to your workspace, and now you can work on people there too - already have life support for my workspace
get a move from another playbook -  Can take this #3
get a move from another playbook -  Can take this #4

That makes only 4 possible basic improvements I can take. I switched from Savvyhead, to Battlebabe, and then back to Savvyhead, and treated going back to Savvyhead as if I was starting fresh for improvements (I created a post about this Changing Playbooks - Going back to the Previous PB - Hopefully that helps explain my dilemma better.



  • 25
Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2010, 10:10:42 PM »
It was always my assumption that the advanced improvements couldn't be taken more than once, especially since the book specifically says, regarding taking a new character, that you can only gain a third when the second reaches that improvement, and so forth. So you could only change playbooks once, if my reading of the book was correct, and that's the way my groups have always played it.

If you're allowing multiple selections of advanced improvements, you're playing with a hacked/custom game that I'm not sure anyone outside your group can advise you on.

Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 12:56:40 AM »
Wait, this is actually really simple.

You already got your fifth improvement long, long ago. Since then, you've been able to choose from the advanced improvements.

So... you still can.

Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 05:58:20 AM »
Wait, this is actually really simple.

You already got your fifth improvement long, long ago. Since then, you've been able to choose from the advanced improvements.

So... you still can.

Well, not on his second character. Right? When you make a new character, it's a new character. Other than that bit (which I was confused about), I think John is right. Even though you went back to Saavyhead, you still have 5+ advances on that character. So you can take advances from the ungiven future until the world ends (oh, wait).



  • 1293
Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 11:16:19 AM »
When you went back to savvyhead, you brought your improvements with you, following the rules on page 184. Life support, the stat bonuses, the savvyhead moves. So you should have marked those improvements as taken as part of copying your character sheet over, right? No big deal.

Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 11:39:29 AM »
Brilliant. So that answers my questions, and to clarify what it answers:

I can take the same option again from the Ungiven Future when I have switched playbooks by changing my character type.

When I go back to a previous playbook, I have what I had before, all the things marked on it are still marked. Following from that, does this also means I cannot change playbooks again, because it is already chosen from the  Ungiven Future? Or does the Ungiven Future reset? It seems the answer is yes, they are also marked still, and the fact that I have gone back to a previous playbook means that is probably where I intend to stay, so the point is not to change character types again.

Thanks for all the responses!

Re: Very Advanced Character - Basic Improvements
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2010, 07:21:06 PM »
Or, y'know, have your MC make up some custom improvements, as implied in advanced fuckery. That's awesome, too.