Tribe 8 hack

  • 4 Replies


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Tribe 8 hack
« on: September 03, 2010, 03:57:22 PM »
First rough pass. Moves need tuning. What turf means needs to be detailed. Also, sex moves? Not sure what to do with them. Thought about making them based on Outlook but had a total brain fart for them.

Also, general power level is way higher than Apocalypse World and the original setting. Might do something like "may use move once per session" and allow you to ratchet that number up as an advance.

To do:
weapons and crap tuning
Z'bri moves
maybe a synthesis rating as a way of scaling things? dunno

Anyway here it is. To those not familiar with the original setting, a lot of this probably needs explaining that is not explained. Sorry.


Open your mind to the Psychic Maelstrom replaced by Open Your Mind to the Dream

Additionally, you may Enter a Trance to gain an appropriate +1 to any roll based on your eminences. Roll +weird. On a 10+ you gain the bonus. On a 7-9 you gain the bonus but expose yourself to danger, cost, or retribution.

Choose Your Former Tribe


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot=0, Sharp=0, Weird=0
Cool=0, Hard+2, Hot=0, Sharp=+1, Weird=0
Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot=-1, Sharp=+1, Weird=0
Cool+2, Hard+2, Hot=0, Sharp=-1 Weird=-1

Choose an Eminence: Fury or Devotion

Choose two Moves:

Battle - Ritually prepare for battle. Roll +hard. On a 10+ hold 3. On a 7-9 hold 1. Hold may be spent during the battle: to grant a +1 to a roll to go aggro or seize by force or to gain 1-armor when you would take harm.

Righteousness - When fighting the Z’bri, the MC may not use custom moves against you that represent the Z’bri’s special abilities and you gain +1-armor against Z’bri attacks.

Sacrifice - You may take wound’s taken by others on yourself. This must occur on the moment it is inflict. Roll your +hx with them or +hard if they are an NPC. On a 10+ take one less than the amount inflicted on the target in ap harm and everyone within. On a 7-9 take the full harm. If you take 3-harm or more, all nearby allies take +1 forward.


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+1, Hard-1, Hot=+2, Sharp=+1, Weird=0
Cool=0, Hard-1, Hot=+2, Sharp=+1, Weird=+1
Cool+1, Hard-2, Hot=+2, Sharp=+1, Weird=+1
Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot=+2, Sharp=0, Weird=0

Choose an Eminence: Sensuality or Conflict

Choose two Moves:

Manifestation: whenever you want to appear as someone you have seen in the past, roll +hot. +weird. On a 10+ your appearance is flawless. On a 7-9 you succeed but the MC may say that the deception fades at an inopportune time. In either case you may take +1 forward for an action where you are utilizing your deception.

Nitrous: you may enter the dreams of a target. On a 10+ you may hold 3. On a 7-9 you may hold 1. You may spend 1 hold to ask any question which will be answered by the dreamer’s mind.

Passion: you may place someone in the throes of ecstasy by rolling +hot. On a 10+ the target is incapacitated (a PC is acting under fire). On a 7-9 they take -1 forward or otherwise flinch and stumble.

Treason: if you wish to find a weakness in a target, roll +sharp. On a 10+ you find a mental and a physical weakness and may take +1 forward to go aggro, seize by force, or seduce and manipulate the target when acting on the weakness. On a 7-9 choose one or the other, mental or physical.


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+2, Hard=0, Hot=0, Sharp=0, Weird+1
Cool+2, Hard+1, Hot-1, Sharp=+1, Weird=0
Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot=+1, Sharp=0, Weird+1
Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot-1, Sharp=0, Weird+2

Choose an Eminence: Illusion or Motion

Choose two Moves:

Dahlia’s Doorway: to open a hole in any material, roll +cool. On a 10+, you may open a hole up to the size that a loaded wagon could drive through. On a 7-9 you open the hole but it only lasts an hour.

Dance of Masks: to become to all appearances a person that a target trusts, roll +weird. On a 10+ your appearance is flawless. On a 7-9 you succeed but the MC may say that the deception fades at an inopportune time. In either case you may take +1 forward against the target.

Metamorphosis: when you wish to transform an object, roll +weird. On a 10+ you may physically transform an object up to man-sized into something else of similar size. On a 7-9, you may only present the illusion of a transformation.

Puppet Show: you may summon up the shadows of a target’s worst fears by rolling +hard. On a 10+ they are a small gang, 2harm(ap close) 1-armor and the target must act under fire to attack them. On a 7-9 they are insubstantial, but the target must act under fire if seeking to do anything but flee them.


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot=0, Sharp=0, Weird+2
Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird+2
Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot-1, Sharp=0, Weird+2
Cool=0, Hard-1, Hot-1, Sharp+1, Weird+2

Choose an Eminence: Capriciousness or Inspiration

Choose two Moves:

Hide and Seek: when you do not wish to be seen or found roll +sharp. On a 10+ you may travel through or escape danger without being seen or found. On a 7-9 the MC may choose 1:
- You are spotted after it’s too late.
- You may have gotten in but you cannot get out the same way.
- An opportunity or hard choice presents itself, but you must reveal yourself to pursue it.

Luck: at the beginning of a session you may roll +weird. On a 10+ hold 1. You may spend that 1 to gain an automatic 10+ on a roll (before rolling). On a 7-9, you may spend it for an automatic 7-9. On a miss the MC holds 1 and may spend it to make you automatically fail a roll.

Naivete: roll +weird to bring out a childlike naivete in the target. On a 10+ they are incapable of taking complex actions and are likely to revert to their childhood selves for the rest of the sessions. On a 7-9 this effect only lasts the scene. When used on PCs, for as long as this is in effect they may gain an experience for playing and get a -1 to +sharp rolls.

Wonder: when you wish to summon playmates out of the rubble and debris around you, roll +weird. On a 10+ they arise and will accompany you, acting as a small gang (2-harm, 1-armor) who will also give you advice, should you ask for it, giving you a +1 to actions following that advice. On a 7-9 they will only last for a scene.


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot=0, Sharp=+2, Weird=0
Cool+1, Hard+1, Hot-1, Sharp+2, Weird=0
Cool+1, Hard+1, Hot=0, Sharp+2, Weird-1
Cool=0, Hard-1, Hot+1, Sharp+2, Weird+1

Choose an Eminence: Truth or Wisdom

Choose two Moves:

Tradition: when you wish to know the truth about the past of a person or object, enter a trance and roll +sharp. On a 10+ hold 2. On a 7-9 hold 1. You may spend your hold to ask a question about the past of that person or object which must be answered truthfully.

Truthsaying: when you wish to compel someone to tell the truth, roll +hard. On a 10+ you may ask them a question. If their answer is a lie they take 2-harm (ap) and -1 forward. On a 7-9 they take 1-harm (ap) if they lie.

Habeas Corpus: When trying to find an answer to a question, roll +weird. On a 10+ the MC must frame a follow-up scene with you that contains the lost item or answer. On a 7-9 the MC will frame a follow-up a scene with a clue leading to what you are looking for. The MC is under no compulsion to not make these scenes dangerous.


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot=0, Sharp=0, Weird+2
Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird+2
Cool=0, Hard+1, Hot-1, Sharp+1 Weird+2
Cool+1, Hard=0, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird+2

Choose an Eminence: Death or Fate

Choose two Moves:

Celtic Cross: when trying to divine information about someone, roll +weird. On a 10+ the MC will reveal a secret they are hiding or an event that will soon occur to them. On a 7-9 the MC will do so but in symbols or impressions.

Dream Travel: To travel as a spirit while your body sleeps, roll +weird. On a 10+ you may travel the world unseen or inhabit the body of an animal. On a 7-9 you may still do so, but your body is at risk and vulnerable.

Curse of Dream: you may curse a target, roll +weird. On a 10+ choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1.
- Their appearance is altered in some unpleasant way for a session.
- They take -1 for a session
- They take 1-harm(ap)


Select one of the following Attribute sets:

Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird=0
Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot=0, Sharp+1, Weird+1
Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot=0, Sharp-1, Weird+2
Cool+2, Hard-1, Hot=0, Sharp+2, Weird-1

Choose an Eminence: Life or Empathy

Choose Two Moves

Anima - To heal someone who’s wounded, roll +sharp. On a 10+ heal 1-harm and ease their suffering. On a 7-9 do one or the other.

Piggyback - You may ride into the spirit world by merging with a spirit that already inhabits it. Roll +weird. On a 10+ you join with the spirit and may travel with it. Note that you can only make moves with the spirit’s permission while you have joined it. On a 7-9 choose one: the merge was incomplete, you may make no moves while inhabiting the spirit, or the spirits is hostile to your presence..

Smother - When you wish to end life, roll +hard. You need only touch the target. On a 10+ do 2-harm (ap). On a 7-9 do 1-harm (ap) or inflict 2-harm (ap) but expose yourself to risk, retribution, or cost.

Choose Your Outlook


Choose an Eminence: Freedom or Recognition

You get the following possible advances:

- get +1 Cool (max cool+3)
- get +1 Hard (max hard+3)
- get +1 Hot (max hard+3)
- get a new move from your Tribe
- get a gang and Pack Alpha
- get turf and wealth
- get 2 gigs and juggling


Choose an Eminence: Mystery or Shadow

You get the following possible advances:

- get +1 Cool (max cool+3)
- get +1 Sharp(max hard+3)
- get +1 Weird (max hard+3)
- get a new move from your Tribe
- get followers and Fortunes
- Get the move Celtic Cross
- Get the Move Shadowstepping. Shadowstepping: you may step from one shadow to another by rolling +weird. On a 10+ you make the journey without problems. On a 7-9 the shadows take something from you or give you something to take with you.


Choose an Eminence: Vengeance or Bravery

You get the following possible advances:

- get +1 Cool (max cool+3)
- get +1 Hard(max hard+3)
- get +1 Sharp (max hard+3)
- Get the move Righteousness
- Get a gang and Pack Alpha
- Get turf and wealth
- get 2 gigs and juggling


Choose an Eminence: Unity or Conviction

You get the following possible advances:

- get +1 Cool (max cool+3)
- get +1 Hot(max hard+3)
- get +1 Sharp (max hard+3)
- get a gang and Leadership
- get turf and wealth
- get followers and Fortune
- get 2 gigs and juggling
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 04:01:25 PM by Bret »
Tupacalypse World

Re: Tribe 8 hack
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2010, 05:00:31 PM »
Re: Sex Moves -- part of the issue is that in moving to Tribe 8 you're moving from "this guy" to "these guys."

That is to say, in AW you only have one Battlebabe. In Tribe 8 you may have a whole pack of former Magdalite Jackers. Do they all fuck the same because they're all the same splat?

That said, sex moves are a MUST for Tribe 8. Especially as they have to interact with Z'bri moves. Especially those of the Sangis.

(Custom Move: Get fucked by a Sangis: on a 10+ its... what it is, but you move on. On a 7-9 you have to take a new sex move from the Sangis list, but you get to chose. On a fail, the GM choses.)

Something to consider about power level is who has guns, who has weapons, and so on. AW assumes a gasoline and ammo rich post apocalypse, with grenade launchers and sniper rifles and shit. In Tribe 8 you're a badass if you have a sword that isn't made out of a street sign. OTOH, some of your enemies will have guns. And some will be able to make you bleed out your eyes way before you can get in close.

I quite like the division of stats into former tribe and advances into Outlook. I wasn't sure what to do with that when I'd thought about it,  but your way makes sense.

What do eminences do here? I'd almost like to tie eminences to advancing moves or something. Like if you have Fury you can Go Aggro +12 or something. But that SERIOUSLY inflates starting plot impact... so... egh. Maybe they give you weird specific moves, or influence the way you open your  brain to the dream?

I'd say chose one move from your old Tribe list. Only the really badass members of the tribe had aspects, and two makes you rock out. Which is cool, but if we're worried about balance then it could be toned down.

Manifestation  -- hot or weird?

Many of the aspects need tuning. Like, they are 10+ Rock! 7-9 Also rock but sort of for a short time! Like Dahlia's doorway -- only lasting for an hour is... egh. It should be something like "it lasts just long enough for you to get out, if you leave something behind" or some such.

(This, I suspect, comes largely from converting between agendas of the games.)

Evans at Cool +2 feels wrong. Of all the Tribes I could see the Evans having the most variation. Like, there is on thing that all Evans are +2 at. Maybe they should have more hot too. After Madgalites and Dalhians its the Evans that get the most play.

Doomsayers should be able to get followers as an advance.

Herites and Jackers need to be be both more differentiated from each other and from parent Tribes. (This is a fault of the source material).

Should weird be changed? Tribe 8 is a weird setting, but less in the "creepy sluagh" way than brainers and such in AW.

Re: Tribe 8 hack
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2010, 03:01:21 PM »
First off, let me say that using the Outlooks as advancement sets is perfect, Bret. I wish I'd thought of that.

If you're concerned about the power of synthesis use, you could look closer at how trances will work. I believe the default assumption in T8 was that if you weren't taking the time to enter a trance (ie. conducting a snap trance) you were at a penalty to preform conjunctional synthesis.

Let's also not forget that missing a roll to "Touch he River of Dream" is no laughing matter either. The effects can be as mild as a slight blur of your perception between dream and reality (-1 ongoing), to being completely unable to distinguish between reality and the river (MC makes hard moves against you), to getting lost in the River of Dream completely.

As far as the differentiation between Jackers and Herites, one small suggestion might be to allow Jackers to advance to gang and Leadership rather than gang and Pack Alpha like the Herites do.

Looking over the rest, it seems to me like you've done an excellent job of translating the tribal aspects into moves. The following would be my suggestions:

Manifestation and Dance of Masks: On a 7-9, hold 2. The MC may spend 1 hold at any time to represent imperfections or inaccuracies in your disguise/deception.

Puppet Show: Shouldn't that be s-harm on a 10+ roll? Then again, I don't have my books in front of me.

Curse of Dream: On a 7-9 choose 1:

- Their appearance is altered in some unpleasant way for a session, -1-Hot for a sesion.
- They take -1 for a session
- They take 1-harm (ap)

I'm not sure what you can do with Eminences at the moment. I'll definitel chime in if I manage to think of something.



  • 285
Re: Tribe 8 hack
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 03:38:25 PM »
Lots of good feedback guys. I'm putting this together for a con session I'm running in Feb. I'll be revisiting this, but probably infrequently as I have other things in my brain. When I do I'll reread your comments and incorporate them into my doc.
Tupacalypse World

Re: Tribe 8 hack
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2012, 03:41:09 PM »
(Sorry for the necro)

Hey Bret this looks really good, did you ever use it in play? Have you written any more material?

Tribe 8 with AW is such a cool idea!