I was very surprised to learn a while back that Vincent Baker was not familiar with the game Fallout.
I'm not familiar with it either, but my friends used to play it, and I liked the image of the poor optimistic fool climbing out of the Vault to face a world nothing like what he expected. In my first Apocalypse World game, I played the Quarantine, and I had no idea what I was about to encounter. Wouldn't it be cool if Apocalypse World were like that? Wouldn't it be fun if we could ALL play the Quarantine?
So I made this thing. I call it "Apocalypse: Emergence". The blurb describes it as well as I can:
Apocalypse: Emergence is a simple hack of Vincent Baker's
Apocalypse World. It's half a scenario of sorts and half a group playbook you all share.
The player characters are people emerging from a Vault and exploring the post-apocalyptic world for the first time. They have lived their entire lives underground, shut off from the outside world, fretting about what was happening on the Outside. One day, the Vault opens and they taste the wind and see the open sky for the first time. Having absolutely no information about how the world has changed, they're unequipped and unprepared to deal with what they are bound to encounter. What will they discover when the door of their Vault opens? What new world awaits their sheltered eyes and unguarded brains? How will their confrontation with what's out there transform their relationships to each other?
Apocalypse: Emergence is an ideal way for an experienced MC to introduce new players to
Apocalypse World. The players do not need to be familiar with the rules or content of
Apocalypse World, and can just jump in and learn, one step at a time, alongside their characters.
It's free.
Please take a look, have a read, try it with your friends, and let me know what you think.
http://ihousenews.pbworks.com/w/file/fetch/60537218/Apocalypse_Emergence.pdfThank you for reading! And thanks to Vincent, of course, for a great game.