Amber: Currency of Respect

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Amber: Currency of Respect
« on: October 22, 2012, 11:31:08 PM »
Amberites (and Chaosites) can generally get all of the wealth they desire. What is scarce in their world would appear to be Respect. Respect is gained and lost as an Amberite is shown to be strong or weak in potentially any sense. The basic currency works as follows.

Gain 1 Respect each time you:
receive contrition in earnest from an important person not your client;
receive gratitude in public from an important person not your client;
prove obeisance to a powerful patron;
are the client of a powerful patron for 2 or 3 or 4 sessions;
have an important client for 2 or 3 or 4 sessions;
have an important hostage or captive for 2 or 3 or 4 sessions;
have an important client prove obeisance to you;
are an acknowledged power behind a reputable faction for a full session;
show clear dominance over a worthy adversary;
have at least 1 trait at +4 for a full session;
walk the Pattern or navigate the Logrus.

You can also gain Respect by ruling over places and by mastering or befriending objects.

1 Respect buys:
a public or private audience with a power recognized by Order or by Chaos, or with a Primordial chieftain;
an invitation to any inter-shadow social gathering where you would not normally be welcome, if a plausible pretext for inviting you anyway exists;
having an inter-shadow social gathering you host be well attended;
remaining in good standing in the courts of either Order or of Chaos for 2, 3 or 4 sessions;
holding a respectable, well-attended inter-shadow court for 1 session;
remaining a patron of important clients for 2, 3 or 4 sessions;
continuing to be a power behind a faction for 2, 3 or 4 sessions;
joining a new or existing faction with the advice and consent of all of the powers behind it;
welcoming a willing object or PC or place or doom into your faction with the advice and consent of all of the powers behind the faction.
assembling a doom from its component parts and initiating it into any faction, or into no faction at all, during play, with a cool head;
losing neither face nor status after displaying contrition in earnest to someone not your patron;
losing neither face nor status after displaying gratitude in public to someone not your patron;
losing neither face nor status after being dominated by an adversary not out of your league;
losing neither face nor status after proving obeisance to a weak patron;
having a single object that is neither supernal nor Real and that is already temporarily yours become indefinitely yours;
having a single object that is neither supernal nor Real and that is already temporarily innocuous become indefinitely innocuous.

2 Respect buys:
a public or private audience with a prince of Order or of Chaos, or with a Primordial chieftain of chieftains;
an invitation to any inter-shadow social gathering where you would not normally be welcome;
having an inter-shadow social gathering you host be well attended and having an invitation to it be sufficient inducement to attend for any lesser power recognized by Order, for any lesser power recognized by Chaos, and for any Primordial chieftain;
holding a respectable, well-attended inter-shadow court worthy of a prince of Order or of Chaos or of a Primordial chieftain of chieftains for 1 session;
having a location that is not Real, that is not a place of power, and that is already temporarily yours become indefinitely yours.

3 Respect buys:
a public or private audience with the king of Order or the king of Chaos;
holding a respectable, well-attended inter-shadow court worthy of a ruler of Order or of Chaos for 1 session;
joining a faction as a power behind it with the advice and consent of all powers behind the faction;
having a shadow that is not Real, that does not include a place of power, and that is already temporarily yours become indefinitely yours.

4 Respect buys:
having an inter-shadow social gathering you host be well attended and having an invitation to it be sufficient inducement to attend for any lesser power recognized by Order or by Chaos, for any prince of Order or Chaos, for any Primordial chieftain, and for any Primordial chieftain of chieftains.

+1 Respect buys:
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is Real;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is Real;
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is multiple;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is multiple;
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is Size +1;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is Size +1;
having a location or shadow become indefinitely yours even if it has something of the Real;
having a location become indefinitely yours even if it is place of power;
having a shadow become indefinitely yours even if it includes a place of power.

+2 Respect buys:
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is supernal;
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is numerous;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is numerous;
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is Size +2;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is Size +2.

+3 Respect buys:
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is plentiful;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is plentiful;
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is Size +3;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is Size +3.

+4 Respect buys:
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is multitudinous;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is multitudinous;
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is Size +4;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is Size +4.

+5 Respect buys:
having an object become indefinitely yours even if it is numberless;
having an object become indefinitely innocuous even if it is numberless.

If a Respect purchase impels a PC toward a specific course of action, the expenditure is equivalent to a 10+ on an attempt to seduce or otherwise manipulate the PC.