Changing Hx when none of the PC's met

  • 2 Replies
Changing Hx when none of the PC's met
« on: September 29, 2010, 01:48:24 AM »
This comment about Matt Wilson's character prompted me to ask this.

So, first session ended and none of the PC's had met or even came close to influencing each other. Everyone decided not to go through with picking a character who knows theirs better or worse. Afterward, I gathered from the text that each player has to pick, no excuses.

Any thoughts on how to sell this to the players? Apart from saying "it's the rules". I guess I'm looking for a way to fictionally justify demanding improving or degrading Hx.

How about saying they heard stories of the other character's actions, perhaps during the break between sessions? Or they remembered or forgot stuff about them? Or they put two and two together, you know they came across something that made them suddenly go "*snap* that's what's driving that mofo"?

Actually, they're not half bad. I might give them a shot. :P

Re: Changing Hx when none of the PC's met
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 03:07:48 AM »
They hadn't met, like at all, ever? If you're going by the book, it says to make characters who all know each other to begin with. Makes it so this kind of thing doesn't happen!

Or am I misunderstanding?

Re: Changing Hx when none of the PC's met
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 08:30:16 PM »
They hadn't met, like at all, ever?
That's not what I meant to convey.

We established that all the PCs knew each other when creating characters. The issue was that during the first session they never crossed paths; they were all in different parts of the world, never communicating or even really considering each other. So the players felt there was no precedent for the PCs changing how well they knew each other.

No doubt, I'll push to get them together in the second session.