Ok, the rules tell us "make your move, but misdirect". As the MCs we're not supposed to reveal the crunchy, mechanical bits to the players but instead always make sure the fiction rules during the game. But once outside the game, then what?
I know there are a lot of people here who've played the game with (fairly intimate) knowledge of the rules. Did that change the "wrapping up in the fiction" illusion for you? Did you, during the game, say to yourself "oooh, he's Separating Us now"? I mean, I'm slightly worried that once the players know about the principles, agenda and moves, it will spoil the fiction for them somehow. Or should we all know what page we're on? I'm all about talking to my players and explaining to them how the game works, but in this case I'm wary. In fact, during the first or second session I told them about "having the NPCs in my crosshairs" and I think that affected the game. Possibly maybe.
How terribly unfounded are my fears?