
  • 3 Replies
« on: September 29, 2010, 07:08:00 PM »
So what we've got so far on were-nouns is:
Werewolves are all about walking as close to the fire as possible, trying not to get burned. Werewolves have hungers, which are physical things they want, bad. They get a bonus to trying to seize them. At their Darkest Selves, they must attempt to kill or maim everything that stands in the way of their hungers.
...which territory we more or less ceded to the Ghoul in the time since the above was written. So what else can we do for our dear friends the lycra-topes?

Here's my thinking. Werewolves more than any other skin are about fear - fear of being found out, fear of losing control, fear of your literally changing self. It's the fear you feel when you wake up with a face covered in acne, writ large. It's the fear of hair growing in weird new places and that itch between your legs.

This draws more on classic horror archetypes than it does on Twilight tropes, it's true. But the fear of losing control is something we can work with, surely. Or maybe like vampires, we're talking about two skins here? The Oz and the Veruca?

Re: Werewolves
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 07:16:02 PM »
Cool. Fear. I dig.

I was also thinking that their Skin would draw upon a bond with nature. Being able to use sparrows as spies, and seek power from the woods, and shit like that.

So: a creature afraid of society's judgment, backed by nature's fury.

That'd put 'em in sharp contrast with the Vampire, who is stuck with "Unwanted By Nature".

Re: Werewolves
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2010, 07:19:06 PM »
Also: Werewolf or Shifter?

I'm prone to saying that they have an animal spirit, chosen from a list. Wolf, dog, cougar, vulture, a few others.

And then a move that says "You can shift into any of the animals on the list."

Re: Werewolves
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2010, 09:51:04 PM »
I'm with True Blood, I think Werewolf and Shifter are definitely two different things. Shifters lack the control issue.