In between every session, I usually look back at something I did not-so-well as the MC and think, "how can I do this better?"
1. After the first session I was mainly focused on creating Fronts, & saying interesting things.
2. After the second session I realized there were no PC-NPC-PC triangles, the PCs were a whole united front, and so I wanted to do triangles better.
3. I don't think there was anything after the third session; I felt pretty good about my contributions after this one.
4. After the fourth session (tonight) I realized I need to keep falling back on my moves*, and I need to ask more questions.
*I didn't look at the moves list until the very end of the game, and I felt that what I said & my contribution in general suffered. I think this was a result of (1) not looking at the moves list when it was my turn to speak, and (2) not taking time when it was my turn to speak and feeling a little overwhelmed at trying to introduce my Fronts in between what the players wanted to do--from here on out, if the players are really active and want to do things, I think I should simply let them (try to) do them, and not worry about my fronts so much. Falling back on the moves will, I hope, continue to be a natural way to introduce Fronts & complications from what the players are doing, as it was in session 3.