Stats and Moves

  • 6 Replies
Stats and Moves
« on: June 13, 2010, 05:01:19 PM »
The Stats:

  • Cool. Your character’s level-headedness, focus, and self-discipline.
  • Sharp. Your character’s alertness, caution, and insight.
  • Smooth. Your character’s charm, wit and animal magnetism.
  • Tough. Your character’s ruthlessness, aggression and force of will.
  • Weird. Your character’s connection with the mindcloud.
  • Rapport. Your character’s connection with other people. This stat is different for each relationship.
  • Favor. How much favor your character has accrued with a person or group.
  • Fortune. Your character’s accumulated wealth, in currency and valuable goods.

Basic Moves

Take Action Under Pressure. As acting under fire. Roll +cool

Assess a Person/Situation. As reading in AW. Roll +sharp

Schmooze or Impress Someone.
Schmoozing takes time. Important people and aliens aren’t likely to welcome you as an ally. Roll +smooth.
On a 10+, take +1 rapport with them at the end of the conversation.
On a 7-9, take +1 rapport with them at the end of the conversation, but your schmoozing draws the attention of their enemies.
On a 6-, the GM makes an appropriate hard move.

Call In a Favor.
As you accrue favor with NPCs, you can spend it to gain favor from them in return. When you call in a favor, roll +rapport.
On a 10+, the NPC provides the favor, no problemo.
On a 7-9, the NPC provides the favor, and the GM picks one:
  • The NPC is annoyed and demands +1 favor more than usual.
  • The NPC can’t immediately provide the favor because of a little problem they’re having.
On a 6-, the GM makes an appropriate hard move.

I think there will be a list of things that cost 1 favor and what would cost more than that.

Manipulate or Seduce Someone. As in AW except a hit gives you 1 favor.

Get Rough with Someone. As aggro in AW.

Use Force To Take or Keep Something. As seize in AW.

Tap the Mindcloud. As maelstrom in AW. The mindcloud has different "personalities" on different worlds and will often have different answers to give. It grows fainter when you travel into deep space or barren worlds.

Spaceship Moves

When you're doing a move by operating a ship's systems, you roll + your stat or the ship's system, whichever is lower.

A lot of basic moves translate easily into ship moves, like reading a situation, getting rough, take hold by force, etc.

What I'm thinking, since the characters have such a shared fate when they're on a ship, is to come up with some "followthrough-specific moves." e.g. in order for you to do the "target their weak spot" move, you need the sensors operator to make a successful scan, or you need the pilot to make a successful tactical maneuver.

Attempt damage control (profile/cool)
On a 10+ a damaged system is back online for 3 battle ticks, or a ship that’s dead in space is operational for 3 ticks before shutting down again

On a 7–9 a damaged system is back online for 1 tick or a ship that’s dead in space gets 1 more tick of operational status before shutting down again

On a 6-, the damage is actually worse than you thought, and the ship takes +1 damage

Plot an emergency jump (electronics/cool)
On a 10+ choose 1
On a 7-9, choose 2
On a 6-, you get all three
  • The ship jumps off course
  • One crewmember gets jump sickness (1-harm ap)
  • A ship system overloads and shuts down

"I don't care what Wilson says." -- some slanderous bastard on the internet

Re: Stats and Moves
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 05:10:44 PM »
These look cool so far, I'm especially interested in the 'follow through required' moves for the ship operations.

My one tiny nitpick is that I can see the stat "favor" and the move "calling in a favor" (where you spend favor to get a favor) being slightly confusing.

Re: Stats and Moves
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 06:01:35 PM »
I really like the emergency jump move. And I'd like to hear more about Raport and Favour, since it sounds similar to what I'm trying to do in my hack.

Good job!

Re: Stats and Moves
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 09:08:19 PM »
Rapport is really just Hx reskinned.

To figure out favor more, I need to figure out scale. But it's what gives you the ability to ask for support from people and groups.

I'll talk about scale in another thread.
"I don't care what Wilson says." -- some slanderous bastard on the internet

Re: Stats and Moves
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2010, 08:18:36 AM »
I'm very much looking forward to following this, as a hack like this was the first thing I thought about when reading about the hackability of AW (along with some sort of Dark Heresy thing I'll try to manage when I get my hands on the actual game).

Re: scale, could the Stat Strata thing be of use, perhaps?

Also, the emergency jump looks very neat.

Re: Stats and Moves
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2010, 11:43:43 AM »
I've actually started giving some thought to a Dark Heresy hack myself, but was somewhat embarrassed to bring it up considering Vincent's avowed dislike of some of the themes of the 40k universe :)

To come back on topic, I really like the combination of "class moves" and "role moves" (i.e. an Agent/Pilot or an Envoy/Captain or whatever).

Re: Stats and Moves
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 01:44:14 PM »
Cool stuff. Having played the previous iteration of Vanguard with you, I think this one will much more directly support what you're after.