First, more serious question: do the character types, as presented in the playbooks, exist in the AW setting? I mean, would you have an NPC talk about somebody being a "Battlebabe" or "Gunlugger" ? Do those niches even exist?
I mean, in D&D it's pretty obvious who's a Rogue and who's a Wizard. But there are no NPC character types in AW as such, so it's ambiguous.
For example: If the NPC looks in a car and sees a PC with heavy guns and another PC with violation gloves on, do they figure they're a Gunlugger and Brainer coming to parley, or is it just "some guy with a lotta guns and his mind-raping pal?" If there's a beautiful NPC in town, is she called a "Skinner"? Some of the character types have names like job descriptions, like hardholder and driver, and I figure they exist in and out of character. But I'm not sure if you can tell a Chopper or Gunlugger from anybody else with guns and armor and a bad attitude.
I'm trying to get my head around the default setting, and one question I have is whether people in Apocalypse World know about the special moves or not. I mean, if I were a local hardholder and I had a Hocus visiting me, I'd be paranoid about him turning my own men against me with his Frenzy move -- unless no such thing exists in the game world. Similarly the Skinner's ability to get holds on people would make me very nervous about letting a known Skinner anywhere near me or my bodyguards.
So, does any of this exist in the fiction, or do the moves just reflect what happens, that sometimes people do dumb stuff because a pretty girl smiled at them and sometimes a religious leader riles up a mob and topples the government? This interpretation makes more sense to me.