Read a situation: can it be shared?

  • 6 Replies
Read a situation: can it be shared?
« on: June 20, 2012, 01:02:17 PM »
To put it simply: if I read the situation, identify the biggest threat and ask my friend, Duke the Sniping-loving Gunlugger, to take her down, does he take +1forward or not?

Re: Read a situation: can it be shared?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 06:34:25 PM »
Sounds like you're taking a +1 on your Hx roll to assist Duke's attack by calling out targets for him over the squawkbox.

Re: Read a situation: can it be shared?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2012, 08:51:52 AM »
Depends on why you'd get the +1 against her and how you try to pass that along to Duke.  If it makes sense in the fiction, Duke gets the +1 also.  At least in my game.

Re: Read a situation: can it be shared?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2012, 02:39:49 PM »
It's ripe territory for a custom move, too:

Tactical: "When you relay useful information to another PC (say, gained from reading a situation, or else-wise), they take +1-forward to act on that info."

Something like that, sure.

Re: Read a situation: can it be shared?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2012, 05:18:15 AM »
It's ripe territory for a custom move, too:

Tactical: "When you relay useful information to another PC (say, gained from reading a situation, or else-wise), they take +1-forward to act on that info."

Something like that, sure.

Wait, isn't that _exactly_ like using Hx to help?

Re: Read a situation: can it be shared?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 10:56:06 AM »
It circumvents the helping roll.

Re: Read a situation: can it be shared?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2012, 12:46:55 PM »
It circumvents the helping roll.

But doesn't yelling at someone to tell them about the guy hiding behind the curtain with a dagger (for example) run the risk of distracting them or tipping off the enemy?

I do like the idea of a tactical training move though to justify this...

When you have time to train together , roll +Cool. On 10+ choose 3. On 7-9 choose 2.
- You are part of the Team
- You have seen deeply into one of your teammates, gain +1Hx
- Take +1 Hold forward on Team Moves

On a Miss, choose one;
- You have not proven yourself as a team member or have been ostracized
- The stress has pushed buttons and driven wedges between you and a teammate, take -Hx with one or more teammates.

When you act like a Team in a tense situation or under the cover of secrecy, roll +sharp. On 10+ , hold 3. On 7-9, hold 1.

While acting in that Situation, spend Hold 1:1
You keep your team on your six; if they escape you do to
Take a tactical advantage; give Help or Interference without a roll.
Concentrated assault;  give +1Harm to another’s attack.
Take another’s Bullet; If you are able to move, you can choose to take the Harm assigned to another.

On a miss, you do not act like a team and need to spend more time training.