A couple of new fighter moves

  • 6 Replies
A couple of new fighter moves
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:55:01 PM »
Just a couple minor things I was thinking of adding to the fighter. This first one I think would be a starting move; it's pretty minor, but I thinks helps to give the fighter a little character:

Walking Murder Machine
When you attack someone, armed or not, you always inflict your class damage die.

This next one would be an advanced move, still undecided whether it's 2-5 or 6-10:

When All You've Got's a Hammer...
... everything starts looking like a nail. As long as you've got your signature weapon, Hack & Slash is always a viable move for you. Intangible spirits, giant rock monsters, the Apocalypse Dragon its-goddamn-self; you can kill them all.

(Alternate name: "As God is my witness, I will suplex that dragon.")

Re: A couple of new fighter moves
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 05:16:31 PM »
I would say 6-10.

It sounds cool, but it's a sort of zero-sum move.  I mean, this move adds nothing to the game; instead, it just flats out what could make an opponent different from the others.
Oh, the things we tell ourselves to feel better about the long, dark nights.

Re: A couple of new fighter moves
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2012, 05:24:15 PM »
I would say 6-10.

It sounds cool, but it's a sort of zero-sum move.  I mean, this move adds nothing to the game; instead, it just flats out what could make ad opponent different from the others.

Well, the idea was to strengthen the fighter's niche as the ultimate combat badass who can kill damn near anything you put in front of him and not reduce him to a support role when the party is fighting the Dread Spectral King or some such critter. Maybe it's just because I've been reading the D&D 5E playtest stuff and that's got me paranoid about situations where the fighter has to play babysitter while the wizard magics the monster to death because the fiction dictates that hitting it with a sword doesn't hurt it.

However, all that being said, I just found the mention in the equipment chapter that "the fighter's signature weapon is never considered mundane," so yeah, the move probably isn't actually necessary. Probably a good idea to mention that in the fighter section directly, since previously we'd been told that unless an item says otherwise, it's mundane.

Re: A couple of new fighter moves
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2012, 05:33:01 PM »
Have you ever found a fighter useless while fighting something that can't be hurt by weapons in DW?

From my personal experiences:
Last time, a 10+ Spout Lore by the fighter herself revelaed that the kind of ghosts they were facing are vulnerable to fire, so she sheathed her weapon, grabbed a ten foot pole, set it afire with a torch lantern and started hack & slashing all around.

Uh, don't get me wrong. The move is cool. It reminds me of the Punisher Warrior Talent from Gates & Gorgons, which I loved. I think that if you're really frustrated because when you play the fighter, you always end up defending the wizard instead of doing something more active, well get on with it!
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 05:46:54 PM by (not that) adam »
Oh, the things we tell ourselves to feel better about the long, dark nights.



  • 777
Re: A couple of new fighter moves
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2012, 09:29:09 PM »
Hey Kordeth, I get where you are coming from, but I like to not think in terms of what the fighter can do as moves all the time. Fiction first and all that. Sure, on paper through the playbook moves, you can envision a situation where the wizard nerfs the fighter.

Think fiction, think cool narrated stuff, and if the moves kick in, or a custom move needs to be designed, then go for it!

In lieu of inflicting damage unarmed; you can have fists as a signature weapon, so you have the option there. Perhaps as a custom move you could allow the fighter in your game to take an additional signature weapon move as an advance, thus increasing their versatility?



  • 130
Re: A couple of new fighter moves
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 10:14:34 PM »
Afraid that the idea that you need to get fictional positioning (ex: lighting a stick on fire to toast some fire-sensitive undead) to damage an enemy is a staple of fiction everywhere.  That move would make a lot of monsters unbalanced to the weak end.

It's up to your play and your style to make youself be a badass.  If you have a sweet plan, and have to overcome fear, bounce through rubble, avoid a flame breath, and strike at the bare belly of the beast - sure that's four to five rolls but if you pull it off you'll talk about it for weeks.  It's fiction informing moves, and you pulling off something amazing that makes for a good story.

If you stack damage and kill an apocalypse dragon in a single roll, it's just rolling dice.  Your mileage may vary but it goes against the spirit of the game for me.

I do however like the Fists of Iron idea you had there.

Re: A couple of new fighter moves
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2012, 02:03:46 AM »
Perhaps as a custom move you could allow the fighter in your game to take an additional signature weapon move as an advance, thus increasing their versatility?
That is an awesome idea, even if it's just something at the 6-10 range. I think I'm going to have to steal that for my games. I've always liked the image of the fighter as the ultimate warrior, capable of wielding any weapon, generally more efficiently than anyone else.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)" -- Walt Whitman, Song of Myself