Thank yous all around! If anybody plays it or sees it in play, please let me know how it went.
@Chroma: The family was the final piece. The best playbooks are the ones that tie characters into a community right away, and this also unites the child elements. The special moves are all based on evil children in horror movies, the sex move addresses being a child, but adding the family support unit I think gives the playbook a unified "you are playing a child" feeling.
@gaigaia: The purity thing is a valid interpretation of the sex move, and one I want to exist, but it's not the only one. Vincent's pretty adamant that when he writes "have sex" he means consensual sex, and there's room here for the player to decide what that means. This is one of a series of evil playbooks, and that sex move is the evilest thing out of all of them.