Advanced Rules and Rules Clarification; Please, comment

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Advanced Rules and Rules Clarification; Please, comment
« on: June 27, 2012, 07:02:48 AM »
I've been thinking about some specific interactions with the rules. I'm not sure if those topics have already been discussed on other parts of the forum, but I would like to adress them in it's integrity here. The discussion will be about some 'specific situations' and dealing with them withouth the need of creation of new moves. My observations will be ons a Ps quotation.

Also, I will make some mistakes with the language, as English is but one of the languages I speak. I'm saying sorry in advance.

- Clarification of 'sucess levels'

. There are 4 levels of hit in AW: Miss (6-); Weak (7+); Strong (10+); Ascended (12+, with improvement).

. Now, besides +N or -N to the rolls, you can have +H or -H to the rolls, H meaning Hit. So, a roll with +1-H, means 'improves your hit 1 scale beyond'. Like, a Miss becomes a Weak, a Weak becomes a Strong. Ascended can only be achieved if you have improved your basic moves, so a Strong cannot become ascended otherwise.

Ps> That's just a clarification. No real change here except for the +H or -H

- Clarification of MC's hard moves

. Wherever someone miss on a move, you can make a move as hard as you want.

Ex: Keeler fails a 'Read person' on monk and the MC says: "You tried to read Monk, but he was not that fond on being read by a punk like you. Behind his green grim oiled smile, you can see his thugs coming at you while his spitted voice says: 'you know, I don't like people staring at me"

Ps> That's just a clarification; no real change

- Responsive or 'defensive' moves

. These are moves that function when someone use other move on you. It's specially usefull with MC's characters. Like: "When someone tries to read monk, roll+Weird, for he has a strange body langugae". Or it could be like "When you try to seize by force bruce lee, before rolling +Hard, rolls +Sharp, 10+ chose 1, 7+ choose 2: a) You take extra harm; b) You cause little harm; on a misse, he cancels your attack with a grapple or a kick.

. Passive moves (or could be named Defensive or Responsive) can also represent defenses for other moves or actions. A gunlugger could have: Iron will - When someone tries to use psychic stuff to mess with your brain, they have -1-Hit.

- Scale and 'power level'

. Sometimes, creatures are just way more powerfull than PCs, and his moves cannot be as effective as before. Conversely, maybe the PCs can be also so much more powerfull than one NPC that his moves should be more effective. This clarification is not necessary for the AW vanilla, but many hacks deals with creatures that are just more powerfull than a PC. So, this MC moves could be added:

. When a PC is out of his league, make him pay: You can make as hard as move as you want or, mechanically, you can make all his moves with -N-Hit. So, if you are fighting a tank withouth proper armour or weaponry, all your moves are with -3-Hit. Conversely, you can just blast them off the existence if they are THAT dumb.

. When a NPC is out of his league, make him pay. Presumably, he will be killed. If the little invalid goblin things that it is funny to spit on the PC's Archangel Paladin chest, then this goblin is obliterated. If you need mechanics, give the paladin +3-Hit.

. That clarification is good for when you have a NPC that really is good, powerfull and terryfieng. A master swordsman that the gunlugger chalanges to a swordbattle. Even though the gunlugger is a baddass, he knows that this guy is one of the best of the world, while he is not. His moves could be at -1-Hit.

- Knowledge and skills

. It's subintended that people in AW know their stuff. They know how to scavenge, survive, shoot, kill, talk, be sexy (or not be sexy) etc. But, sometimes skill and knowledge is scarce and specific. One thing that it's not clear is about, for example, the Angel Kit and if others can use it. Probably not, although the gunlugger has the move "Prepared for the inevittable". Also, would a Driver be able to pilot a Helicopter or plane?

. For that matter, skills could be moves that give some advantage and also allows the character to make that specific action. The gunlugger move could have a clause that says: "You're trained with first-aid". Now, the gunlugger with that move not only has the angel kit, but can use it and buy new ones.

. New skills could be new moves. A driver could have: Pilot Meister - You can pilot any kind of thing, from helicopters to catamarans. While in other vehicles, treat them as +1 Power, +1 looks and +0 weakness. Or you could have a general move like: Wildboy - You are a creature of the wild. When you are in the middle of your kingdon, roll+Sharp or Highlight. +Strong, chose 3; +Weak, chose 2: a) You cannot be tracked; b) You can find food enough for a small gang; c) you find a safe trail through the landscape; d) you are not tired; e) you find something valuable, weird or usefull

- Disadvantages moves

. Some moves incour on disadvantages and problems. But, what this clarification means is that you can make direct moves that are hindrances and explain some lacks of habilities. For example: A child could have Weak Body (whenever physical strengh and endurance matters, you have -1-Hit); a person who never fought could have Combat Paralysis (roll +Cool; 10+ choose 1; 7+ choose 2; Miss chose 3: a) you stumble and hardly can make attacks; b) all your attacks do little harm; c) all harm you take is serious).

. Hindrance moves could be taken as a +1 improvement bonus. But the way I see them is to make some different kinds of characters more real

- Clarification on Suprise attacks

. Surprise attacks is, normally, going aggro. After the first salve and the enemy knowing your position, just roll Seize by force as normal.

- Clarification on Bluffs with violence

. If you manipulate someone with a gun, saying you will shoot, you can back up. The great difference is that when you bluff you roll +Hot and, if they force your hand, you don't have to shoot them. But, if they do force your hand, you can do other move, back up or just Go Aggro.

- Player vs Player

. There are some ways on taking PvP. If one side rolls and the other is passive, Seize by Force is very strong towards the roler, unless he has some sort of penalty in Hard. In terms of 'what to roll', it can be 'Act under fire' the fire being the other player attack; it can be Hx to interfere a Seize by force, responded by other Seize by Force.

. For me, the simplest way is make all PCs roll Seize by Force and apply their choices. If more than 2 are fighting, everyone roll and the action is resolved player by player. It doesn't mean that one action will occur before another. All of them happen at the same time. "Imprress and Dismay" makes the other player to have to Act under Fire. "Take definite hold" will only apply to grabs and things of that sort.

Ex: Rolf, Keel and Monk fight. The order of narrative will be Rolf > Keel > Monk. They roll, respectively, 7, 10, 10. Rolf chooses: Inflict seriour harm on Monk and take little harm. Keel chooses to Take Little Harm, Inflict serious harm on Monk (wanting to take him out of combat) and "Frighten" Rolf. Let's pretend that the damage of Rolf and Kell were enough to bring him to 12:00 and he is down. But, since the actions are resolved all at the same time, he can still act. The narrative could go like that:

- Rolf chooses his actions and say: "I pick up my gun and shot lead into that bastard Monk's head while I try to cover under some debrie". Then, Keel rolls and chooses her actions: "While Rolf's bullets fly, I give Monk an unreppented smile as if to say 'hey, you know I never liked you, ye SOB. Here, a farewell gift' and wast his head with my shotgun. Then, in this bloody mess, I look to Rolf and scream 'Hey baby, you are next honey'". Monk, although down, he has his action and can blaze of glory them. He rolls, choses (inflict serious harm on keel, frighten her, seize control  of keel) and narrate: "While blodied, the adrenalyne pumps on my veins and I run into Keel. Furiously I stab her, grabbing her by the neck and screaming maniacly 'You find yourself so funny? Let's see how funny you are with holes on your neck'". After this action, Monk falls. The next turn, both Keel and Rolf are frightened and dismayed, and will have to act under fire. Keel is not only scared, but she is still grabed by the corpse of Monk, which makes matters worst.