a question about the example of play

  • 2 Replies
a question about the example of play
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:01:46 PM »
Here's a chunk of the example of play:

The goblins on the fumes, though, they're coming right at Rath."
Ben jumps in. "I step between Rath and the crazed goblins and make myself a big target, drawing the goblin's attention with a yell."
"Sounds like Defend" I say.
"Okay, I rolled a 7, so I hold 1."
"Great. The three goblins on fumes pratically bowl Rath over as they slam into him, swinging their daggers wildly."
"No they don't!" Ben says. "I spend my hold to get into the way and direct the attack to me."
"So Brianne steps in at the last moment, pushes Rath out of the way, and the goblins lay into her instead. Looks like 5 damage.

It sounds to me like in this case, the attack of 3 goblins is treated as a single attack in terms of the hold required for defense and (probably) damage as well (it doesn't say what die or dice is rolled to yield the 5 damage).

So, really? 1 hold can redirect any number of attackers? And multiple attackers just do the same base damage? 'cause that seems to invite players to undertake the not-terribly-plausible strategy of "try to get them all to attack me--it won't do any more damage than one of them, and then they can't attack anybody else."

What am I missing?



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Re: a question about the example of play
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 08:17:28 PM »
It all depends on the fiction! We're going to be adding some margin notes to that example to cover stuff like this.

So those goblins are all charging together, right? It's one charge, so I let Ben spend one hold to redirect that one attack.

Attacks from multiple monsters together mean you reroll damage for each and take the highest result. d6 damage for goblins means 5 is a pretty great result.

Now all of this only applies when it really is all one attack. If those three goblins are coming from different directions? No way. If they're not helping each other? Nope. But when they really are attacking in concert it's one attack with damage rolled for each using the highest result.

Re: a question about the example of play
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 11:04:45 PM »
Super-helpful. Thanks!