Huh, Nick Doyle just posted these EXCELLENT custom moves for AW, so I thought I'd steal 'em, for DW Kingdom level play. Oh yes, these will be fan-frickin'-tastic for PvP Kingmaker-esque diplomacy, wrangling and staving off the inevitable wars,
When you offer promises instead of payment, detail the terms and roll +CHA (or +Prosperity if you are the soveriegn):
On a 10+, they're acceptable to the terms, you (or your kingdom) gain 1-debt for each point of Wealth you're short, and you're on your merry way.
On a 7-9, the terms are acceptable, only they want something more: a favor, strings attached, or a bigger debt than the value you're receiving.
On a miss, no amount of political maneuvering will grant your request, oh and you've pissed them off.
When somebody owes you, you are always considered to have leverage when you Parley with them, and you may choose to roll +debt against them instead of +CHA.
When you're in debt, at the start of each session roll +debt (if you owe more than one person or kingdom then just roll the highest):
On a 10+, they're looking for the full value, right now, and they'll do whatever they can to extract it from you or your kingdom.
On a 7-9, they're willing to let it slide for a bit longer, but they're going to want something for their trouble: a favor, a little something something, or maybe a down payment.
On a miss, they've got other things on their mind, but they'll get around to you eventually.
Oh for reference, I've been using each Steading 'stat' of 5 tags as a scale from -1 to +3 that can be added to kingdom moves.