Hey Azato, I think I see where you are coming from here. You have this story idea of the PC's being washed ashore after a shipwreck and encountering a village of ghouls with presumably another prod to the subsequent plot 'point'.
I might just gently remind you of some advice for GM's that DW relies on:
The one thing you absolutely can’t bring to the table is a planned
storyline or plot. You don’t know the heroes or the world before
you sit down to play so planning anything concrete is just going to
frustrate you. It also conflicts with your Agenda: play to find out
what happens.
Your fronts need to have concrete consequences if the player's don't interact with them, so much so that the choices they make determine the direction of the story played out at the table. As it stands, the players
must be shipwrecked, so why have that as a scene? It sounds like a great prologue to the village of ghouls, but only if something is at stake. You need a tension between what the antogonists want and what the player's want out of the game. The system has a lot of this tension built in, but you still need to work out your front's motivations and how they antagonise the players.
So step back a bit, share with us your 'situation' or Dungeon. The Village seems to me to be a component of a much broader concept, a location danger (cursed place) rather than a Front. Connect it to the players, why have they been there before? How do they know the inhabitants? Is their fish renown about the place? etc. Your Grim Portents then segue quite nicely into GM moves or this particular Danger - the ghouls being the monsters vomited forth.
So.... What's the big picture? The Impending Doom you seem to be driving toward is either
Pestilence or
Destruction right? How does that effect the players? What happens to them and their world around them if they choose to ignore the Dangers or fail to overcome them? What do they risk? This will change the setting in some drastic and irrevocable way.
Making sure that these effects are felt and significant to the NPCs,
places and life of the campaign world is a big part of making them
feel real.
So as a GM I would want to know the cause of the ghoulish pestilence (unless you wanted to fly by the cuff and generate that cause through playing to see what happens....) I would want to have a figure of note, a Danger that resonated with the goulish iteration. An Arcane enemy perhaps? A Planar force? A Horde?
Off the top of my head:
*Perhaps the storm was caused by a death priest wanting more souls to feed his goulish horde with which he hopes to overrun the sorrounding lands and make this village the source of his operations...
*The angry Sea god rumbles as vile practices in the village have awoken his arch-nemesis the God of decay. An Unsavoury Champion of undeath has arisen, with a horde at his beck and call. The God of the sea seeks a champion to protect the nearby ancient temple of the Briny Deep, carved into the rugged coastline that is threatened by this ghoulish horde...
*The Pirate Lich needs a ship -and more crew- so he can wreak unholy vengance on those (someone connected to the PCs) that hung him, sent him to davy jones' locker and forced him to make a deal with (un)death.
Then you outline a few locations, make a map if you like, or generate it through play, but you have this un-ignorable situation that the players are embroiled in, that they have to react to... Where does the story go? That's why you play! To see what happens :)