The Basic Moves

  • 20 Replies


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Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2010, 03:26:42 AM »
Hey do you have any ideas yet about how you might acquire qualities? Mechanically speaking.

Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2010, 12:29:44 PM »
Hey do you have any ideas yet about how you might acquire qualities? Mechanically speaking.

I was thinking about asking that same question.  Perhaps build it in to the moves? so on a 10+ you get the option to increase/add a minor quality associated with that stat?

Any which way this is well hot.  I got in to the original game when this was mentioned as well.
My real name is Timo

Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2010, 03:56:27 PM »
Yeah, ditto on the hack getting me interested in the game. I gotta say, as much fun as the browser game is, I'm more excited about playing the hack.

Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2010, 04:49:52 PM »
yeah, the browser game is pretty simplistic in it's nature.  What's really great about it is actually what's really great about the fluff-derived-from-play thing: Going in to the game I knew next to nothing about the world.  The more stuff you do, the more you find out about the world.  I mean, Hearing about the Starveling Kitty is very different from actually know what it's all about, if'n ye ken.
My real name is Timo

Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2010, 05:14:09 PM »
I totally agree! Discovering what the world is about is easily the majority of the fun.

Now, that leads me to a question about the hack (might be getting off topic from Basic moves, but heck). In standard AW, you 'barf forth apocalyptica' both as a player and an MC and together you create your own version of the post-apocalyptic world and what that means. I figure most people today have a pretty easy time coming up with the right kinds of color and situation for that. But what about a surreal fantastic under-London? Is that going to require more specific setting material, or just a more involved guide on how to come up with stuff? Cos I for one don't quite feel like I can come up with content as fun and flavorful as what Echo Bazaar is laying out there for me.



  • 330
Re: The Basic Moves
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2010, 05:23:28 PM »
You're selling yourself short - the content for Echo Bazaar is crowd-sourced to some degree.

If you payed Echo Bazaar for a day or so, that would give you enough of a taste to be able to come up with that stuff with four or five like minded friends.

Coming up with good Apocalyptica isn't always easy either, but the looseness of the setting material let's you have horses or land speeders or sand worms. So, I imagine that Knife & Candle could like just like Echo Bazaar, or maybe like A/state, or maybe like some other steam-punk silliness.