How to handle "Grease" (or similar) in DW

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How to handle "Grease" (or similar) in DW
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:01:00 PM »
I was looking through the D&D5 playtest spells, and saw the description of the Grease spell.  Short version: you grease up an area, it's slippery, and any creature that enters it makes a saving throw or falls down.

It got me thinking: how would I handle that in DW?  Or anything similar, like throwing a bunch of ball bearings on the floor.  It's really a question of: how do you resolve a clever ploy that might work but sure isn't guaranteed to?

There's no basic move that directly applies. I suppose you could make a custom move (roll +?, 10+ they fall, 7-9 they're off balance, etc. etc.). But that's kinda boring, and I don't really want to make up a custom move like that on the fly or for just one spell.

So that leaves you with GM moves, principles, and agenda.  Which pretty much boils down to "what flows from the fiction?"  An orc charging down the hall hits the grease patch?  Falls.  A wraith floating by, no way.  A kobold approaching cautiously?  Maybe?  Being a fan of the PCs makes me think "yes, he falls." At least for the first kobold. The others behind him would realize it was slippery and be more cautious.

Not sure what the point of this post is. Just thinking in public, I guess.



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Re: How to handle "Grease" (or similar) in DW
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 02:30:35 AM »
It got me thinking: how would I handle that in DW?  Or anything similar, like throwing a bunch of ball bearings on the floor.  It's really a question of: how do you resolve a clever ploy that might work but sure isn't guaranteed to?

There's no basic move that directly applies. I suppose you could make a custom move (roll +?, 10+ they fall, 7-9 they're off balance, etc. etc.). But that's kinda boring, and I don't really want to make up a custom move like that on the fly or for just one spell.

Why Not Jeremy? Making up custom moves (especially if its going to be a 'signature' spell) is fun and easy! Far from Boring, just be specific and make the consequences narratively delicious...

Re: How to handle "Grease" (or similar) in DW
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 09:09:54 AM »
I'd propose

Grease (lvl 1)
You render an area slippery. When a NPC tries to cross it, the GM choose one:
• they fall down
• they cross it extra carefully, taking twice the time
• they don't cross it and try to find another way
When a PC tries to cross it, they Defy Danger with Dex, the danger being: do you fall down?

Or something like that.

That way, the GM get to describe the scene as the story calls for, but their options are a bit limited : you know what you're going to get when you cast the spell. And you don't roll because a) spells don't call for a roll and b) your character isn't responsible for the effects of the spell : the slippery zone and how the NPC approach it do.

Not sure about the PC part, though.