A couple questions: a move for both + changing highlighted stats

  • 1 Replies
1) During the MH session we're playing right now on Google Hangout, my character, Vanessa the Witch, is being carried out of a police station by Castore the Hollow. They are running away, but Vaness can't walk and is basically relying on Castore for moving. Does she roll for hersel or Castore's roll counts for both?

2) Do you ever change highlighted stats in MH?

Re: A couple questions: a move for both + changing highlighted stats
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 09:18:13 PM »
1.) I would say that Castore's roll counts for both. And I'd ask questions about whether Castore is really strong enough to carry Vanessa to safety, or if they have to make some make-shift hideout plan.

2.) Yeah! It mentions it on page 14 of the printed book (though an earlier version of the PDF omitted this detail): at the start of each session, choose highlighted stats: the person with the most Strings and the MC each choose one stat to highlight. They can be the same stats that were highlighted last time, if desired.