Question about Outstanding Warrants

  • 6 Replies
Question about Outstanding Warrants
« on: April 25, 2012, 02:29:04 PM »
The wording of the Outstanding Warrants move has always confused me.

When you return to a civilized place in which you've caused trouble before, roll+Cha. On a hit, word has spread of your deeds and everyone recognizes you. On a 7–9, that, and, the GM chooses a complication.

So on a hit, people know and recognize you.  Shouldn't that be a bad thing?  If there are warrants out for you, don't you want to lie low and avoid recognition?  At first I assumed that Charisma was actually detrimental, making it harder to go unnoticed, but nothing bad happens on a 10+, only on a 7-9.  And on a're not recognized?  Which is bad?

Re: Question about Outstanding Warrants
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 03:02:11 PM »
10+ could mean that you are a folk hero who is reveared (Robin Hood) or not to be messed with (Al Capone).  Perhaps someone sympathetic recognizes you and provides you shelter, is a contact, or fills you in on the details of your warrant and the guards' routine (though that would be a good 12+ custom move).



  • 130
Re: Question about Outstanding Warrants
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 03:58:26 PM »
I always figured this is sort of an 'expectations' thing.

The GM never touches the dice in DW.  The players (if they roll high) usually don't suffer backlash.  On a 7-9 they get what they want and something unwelcome.  On a 6- something usually bad happens.

So if the player(s) are rolling (as they're supposed to) it's easier to have this breakdown of 'players win' 'players sort of win but have problems' 'somethin bad is brewin', instead of having ONE MOVE where you want to roll poorly (which is counterintuitive).

I can't tell you how many times in other games I've seen players roll 'rockin' and celebrate before they're told no you want to roll POORLY on this one and only this one roll.

Re: Question about Outstanding Warrants
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 05:18:27 PM »
Yeah, the structure of the move is familiar, its just the wording that throws me.  To pull in mease19's idea, if high is good, I'd expect something more like:

"On a hit, you keep a low profile, stay among friends and supporters, or no one has the guts to rat you out.  On a 7-9, that, and the GM chooses a complication."

Re: Question about Outstanding Warrants
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2012, 12:39:05 PM »
This one has always left me scratching my head too.  If "everyone recognizes you" then surely that includes the authorities who would surely want to enforce those warrants.

Re: Question about Outstanding Warrants
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2012, 12:16:39 AM »
Confusing.  I agree!  We'll rejigger it.  Thanks guys!



  • 777
Re: Question about Outstanding Warrants
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2012, 01:45:08 AM »
Hmmm, I don't know.  I like the way Outstanding Warrants is worded. You only trigger the move if you are fictionally engaging with it. To do it do it, yeah? I would definately be telling the players the consequences and asking:
'You know that if you waltz back into town after last time, you are likely to invoke outstanding warrants yeah?'
'Yup! I WANT those bastards to know I'm back in town!'

So if I described sneakily using the sewers under the cover of darkness to breach the steading walls and to enter the backdoor of the Drowned Rat Tavern as I had killed a guard it a fit of pique last time, perhaps its more of Defy Danger (the danger being my movements were seen). Outstanding Warrants is the follow on move.

'Trouble' is a very expansive word. Outstanding Warrants is a CHA move yeah? so its more about how affable and convincing and memorable you are. If you had caused trouble in the steading before, it would only be against one or two factions within the civilized place, not EVERYBODY. Therefore being recognised just means that folks know you are about, word has spread of your deeds in the interim. What they do with that knowledge depends on whether you have slighted them or not, and obviously if you rolled a 7-9 its going to get complicated, whereas on a miss, you've just handed the GM an opportunity on a plate. Mwah ha ha.

oh and Marshall? I LOVE your 12+ move suggestion :)
There definately needs to be a 12+ section for the basic moves in the advanced delving chapter.