Oh. That's cool. Devil's Reach sounds awesome! Dyson is a huge inspiration for me, I use his maps all the time, and try to at least imbibe a little of his cartographic skills when I draw my own.
I had spent most of today doing just that. (Writing an Introductory teaching adventure as suggested over on story games.) Introducing the move architecture gently and making some of the chargen choices for the players so that the starting 'situation' is hard baked in. Love letters included and a step by step choice tree for the GM in response to various player moves with suggested GM moves in return. Um, do you want to team up JB? or would you rather 'go it alone'?
Oh and Glitch, that's spot on, I suggested a similar thing! Like marshall's starters, but dozens of them, grouped by theme, environment or arch-villian. I'd buy that :)