Firefly -> Apocalypse World?

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Re: Firefly -> Apocalypse World?
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2012, 04:19:36 PM »
River uses casual brain receptivity all the time, ambiguously, but you can catch her at it plain as day in "Safe." She also uses direct brain whisper projection on Jayne when she tells him she can kill him with her mind - she says it out loud (which isn't against the move), but you can see it go straight into his brain. He caves and does what she wants instead of forcing her hand and sucking it up, but for our purposes here today we can assume it was true.

She uses weird to seize by force that one time, when she kills those 4 dudes and scares Kaylee. I'm pretty sure that move doesn't exist. It's the opposite of a Touchstone.

Most characters could be NPCs or PCs - the fact that River would make a good perversion of birth (my vote) doesn't mean she can't also make a good brainer.

Re: Firefly -> Apocalypse World?
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2012, 09:34:57 AM »
I just finished a Firefly re-watch with the girlfriend a day or two ago myself, and it was when I was explaining Apocalypse World to her that the striking parallels between the Firefly cast and the AW playbooks became apparent.

For the record, my initial vote was for Zoe as Battlebabe and Jayne as Gunlugger.

Re: Firefly -> Apocalypse World?
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2012, 07:00:15 PM »
It's also fun to catch how the AW book relates to Firefly. How it's all about putting characters in pairs and triplets and seeing what happens. And how screw the NPCs, they're just there to complicate things and get thrown away.