Here's a new project Hans and I are working on, coming out of an SG thread:

A sample of a half-dozen pages of the alpha draft is
available here, if you want to check it out. Hans and I are still banging out specific options for planes, planar travel, classes, and some alternative basic moves, but what's here is
almost playable as is. It'll be more playable once I finish the "planar Hx" guidelines.
As the first page explains, each section contains options rules that can be used all together or piecemeal. You can easily use the planar travel rules without the city of Dis, or Dis without the Sultana, or the Sultana without the road wardens, or any other combination you like. There's some links between specific options, like how the new heritage moves show up in a few places so far, but those are easy to remove or hack if you don't want to use them.