Shadowrun Hack ?

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Shadowrun Hack ?
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:23:32 PM »
I see there is a lot of similarities between shadowrun archetypes and AW playbooks. And the more low-life side of SR setting (the Barrens ) could give a great harsh and scarcity-based environment.

Do this hack exist? If not, what advice you would give?


Re: Shadowrun Hack ?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 08:16:34 PM »
I have this idea in the back of my head that one time I'd like the Psychic Maelstrom to be the remnants of the Matrix. You might want to let players describe their implants, permanent spells or whatever that lead to stat increase advances. I think a large portion of AW would work just fine as-is for Cyberpunky games, the same way it would for Old West.



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Re: Shadowrun Hack ?
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 08:47:40 PM »
Finally had the time to sit down and try to do the hack. Please, if you guys can give me a hand, I appreciate.

1. The first thing I set out to do was finding each archetype main "niche". After some thought, I came to the following setup:

The Street Samurai: the agressor
The Mage: the manipulator
The Decker: the enabler (as in: one who help others to achieve goals)

2. With that set, I reached a question: how to translate SR archetypes´ strenghts into "moves" ? Well, right now Im thinking in making its more emblematic abilities as moves, and secondary crap as.. well, crap.


The Mage´s moves would consist of some spells (Mind Probe, Manabolt, Thought Control, Heal, etc), and some skills (Initiation [+1 to weird, max +3], Astral Perception, etc). While its "crap" would consist of things like Fetishes, Foci, an Hermetic Library, etc.

The Street Samurai moves would consist of some implants (Wired Reflexes, Dermal Plating, Smartgun Link, Retractable Razors, etc) and some skills (Bushido Code, Etiquette: Street, etc). While its crap would be customized weapons, Explosives, etc.

The Decker moves would consist of some programs (Sleaze, Spoof, Browse, Sledgehammer, etc) and some skills (Electronics, Etiquette: Matrix, etc). While its crap would be a Cyberdeck and datajack.  

So, what do you guys think ? Am I following a good "hack logic" here ? Thanks!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 09:47:02 PM by silva »

Re: Shadowrun Hack ?
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 10:15:18 PM »
For the Mage, I would think about whether they should be kind of like the Brainer, with a bunch of specialized moves, or more like the Hocus, where its got its own weird little sub-system with a broad range of effects. Both are pretty cool, I think the Brainer models how magic works in more traditional systems and the Hocus models how I wish more traditional systems worked.

thinslim drops
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2012, 11:07:06 PM »
It is rare for me to find something on the cyberspace that’s as entertaining and fascinating as what you’ve got here. Your page is lovely, your graphics are outstanding, and what’s more, you use source that are relevant to what you are talking about. You are certainly one in a million, well done!



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Re: Shadowrun Hack ?
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 07:55:29 PM »
Waqas103, are you a bot ?

For the Mage, I would think about whether they should be kind of like the Brainer, with a bunch of specialized moves, or more like the Hocus, where its got its own weird little sub-system with a broad range of effects. Both are pretty cool, I think the Brainer models how magic works in more traditional systems and the Hocus models how I wish more traditional systems worked.
Yeah, I had this same doubt with all 3 playbooks - do I made their main stuff (spells, implants and programs) as moves, or do I made it as crap ? I opted for moves cause it seems the simpler solution, but if I would be interesting the other way.

Back on the playbooks, I was considering making the Mage´s "hermetic library" an important crap, similar to the savvyhead workshop or the chopper gang (maybe even with some customized stats). Aditionally he could have fetishes and foci as secondary (and simpler) crap.

What do you think ?

Re: Shadowrun Hack ?
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2012, 09:38:49 PM »
See also Anarchangel's notes on his Cyberworld hack. It started as Shadowrun, and turned into a more straight cyberpunk on the way.

There are several threads in the hacks forum.



  • 39
Re: Shadowrun Hack ?
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2012, 08:09:19 AM »
Thanks Mike, I didnt know that sub forum existed.

If someone could relocate this topic there, I appreciate.

Returning to the hack.. conitining the line of giving interesting crap to the mage (the hermetic library), I was thinking about giving a "Totem" to the Shaman, and maybe add some stats and behaviour requisites for the character according to the Totem animal.

For the decker and samurai though, I cant think in any interesting crap. Maybe a virtual community for the decker and a Street Doc for the sammy ? Hmmm.. im not convinced of it yet.