The year is 23xx. Megacorporations eclisped the state as the powers of the world and expanded their territory until the world was divided by 4 powers. Universal Standard, decadent masters of Space and the Americas. Hevezda Unlimited, leaders of the warrens and gulags of Europe. Patala Investment, brokers of wealth and life in South Asia and Africa, and your home, the glorious Empire of Daybreak Industrial.
In Houston they built the great Pattern, a space-beyond-space which facilitated storage and shipping through matter-gates. In Dubai, they programmed the Rings, a revolutionary information network that coded access and account ID into the human genome. The powers of Eurasia entered a biological arms race, uplifting animals to sentience, breeding great beasts for war and labor, and reifying the superiority of the Executives in blood. Though rapid transformation left many behind, it looked like the dawn of a golden age, until the treacherous Turtle Clan unleashed the Shadow.
Now the locked vaults of past seep into the present, and the annals of the internet have come alive, drowning this human island in a tide of chaos and blood. The metaphorical sea is metaphorically fucking rising, but that's not your problem. Your problem is the bastards in charge of this island. You aren't going to play by their rules.
The Stats:
Earth: Earth is your attentiveness, your grounding, your receptivity.
Fire: Fire is your energy, your impulse, your creative spark.
Metal: Metal is your hard edge, your discipline, your competitive streak.
Water: Water is your flow, your cool, your tranquility, and your mystic mojo.
Wood: Wood is your flexibility, your elegance, your social fucking grace.
The Basic Moves:
When you pull something from the pattern, roll+Water
10+: As below, but add it to your Account.
7-9: Choose 2: You get what you wanted, you get something quality, you don't take 1-harm(ap), it's not loud
When you look into the rings, roll+earth
10+: you see it
7-9: Choose two: you see what you wanted, they can't see you, you don't add a new spirit threat to the current front
When issue a challenge, roll+metal
10+: You don't take harm, or you harm something [big]
7-9: trade harm, but you get one possession, or one favour,
Note: "harm" in this game is frequently not actual harm. You'll have weapons like "Stalking Tiger Style; harm: You collect a blood sample. Or Sittar of Somnolence; area loud harm: target falls asleep."
When you invoke your authority, roll+wood
10+: NPCs do what you want, PCs act under fire
7-9: one of the targets is a ninja
When you whip up a gadget, roll+fire
10+: Choose 1: it works right away, it isn't [dangerous]
7-9: it's [dangerous] and it takes a while
Note: The basic moves list is definitely incomplete. These moves replaced Seize by Force and Open Your Brain, but there will definitely be an equivalent to Acting Under Fire and Reading a Person/Sitch. Probably Going Aggro and manipulate, too.