I know this is thread necromancy, but its very specific to this thread, and John's initial post is bookmarked by me cause its so awesome.
Anyways, this weekend we went camping at Mystery Bay again (the real place!) and instead of playing Dungeon World, I pulled out one of its delightful parents; namely Apoc World.
The lads got into it straight away, and part of the ist session is making maps like crazy. I had purloined a free tourist map of the Sapphire Coast, which made it so immediate - there is a great regional map, with all the town maps 'zoomed in' around the margins. We scribbled all over this ragged, folded artefact establishing holds, tribes and territory.
When it came down to seizing by force we drew maps in the dirt by the flickering light of the fire, and our wayward headtorch beams. Folks were represented by shells and stones, cars by an old hot wheels relic uncovered in the detrius of our camp. It was surreal and poignant, and we respectfully left the map untouched during the light of day.
Come the following night, I had some time to think about fronts and we dived right in to the second session, the map in the dirt becoming a focus between our fold-out chairs. It began to take 3-dimensional form, the hold built up with beercans and cardboard boxes, roads widened and defined. It was awesome.
So yeah, make maps.... with anything. In fact the more basic, the more primal, the better. Play outside, play with headtorches and solar garden lights, play around a campfire, make maps in the mud.