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« on: August 10, 2011, 04:05:23 AM »
[this top post is subject to modification, rewrites and updates]

The basics moves at the moment:


When you threaten violence or commit assault, roll fray and add assault. On a 13-17, they comply and suffer trauma. On a 11-12, they comply or suffer trauma. On a 08-10 as above or they can select one:
      •Evac from terrible you
      •Redoubt their position
      •Have you cause collateral
      •Exchange trauma for trauma

When you recover from trauma, roll fray and add recover. On a hit, uncheck a trauma box. On a13-17, the MC will select none. On a 11-12, one. On a 08-10, two: you miss something critical; you're immobilized for the duration; you'll need someone else's help; you'll scar.

Scars are permanent stigmas on your character. If they're exploited during a scene, either they take +1 against you or you take -1, based on the context.


When you try to dissect another's psyche, roll vamp and add dissect. This takes either time or intimacy.  On a 13-17: You can ask any question and they have to answer. On a 11-12, they'll pick on from the list and you'll answer for them.  On a 08-10, you'll pick one and they'll answer. On a miss, they'll pick and you'll answer.
   •Who do you want all hot and heavy?
   •How are you hungry?
   •When are you at your most vulnerable?
   •What are secret pains?
   •Where do you hide from the world and its ruin?

{I feel like this list needs to be bigger or more flexible some how, having a different style might get you a different list?}

When you seduce another, roll vamp and add seduce. On a 13-17, take +2 lust with them, or deal trauma. On a 11-12, take +1 lust with them. On a 08-10, as above, or they can choose to be #vulnerable to you, or promise you something they think you want.

When you transact with someone, roll vamp and add your lust with them. On a 13-17, you can spend lust; additionally, you can spend lust for trauma. If this either exiles or breaks them, they don't take the trauma and become your ally (cf.) instead. On a 11-12, you can spend lust if you make a promise. On a 08-10, you can spend lust if you give them concrete assurances or immediate payment.

When you spend lust, you can get them to do something you want, have them be #vulnerable to you, or make their actions counts as resisting.

When someone is #vulnerable to you, take +1 against them.

When you evade detection, pursuit, or resist trauma, roll edge and add evade. On a 13-17,  take +3 stay. On a 11-12, +2 stay. On a 08-10, +1 stay.

When you spend stay, take an action and/or: it's unimpeded, remain undetected, resist pressure or trauma, prevent recourse so far as possible, remain stable, etc.

When you hustle, roll edge and add hustle. On a hit, you find whatever it was.  On a 13-17, pick three from the list. On a 11-12 pick two. On a 08-10, pick one: It comes perfect, easy and/or quick.


When you google a node to sync with, roll moth and add your search. On a hit, give it a name and save it. On a 13-17, take +1 sync with it. On a 11-12, take +0 sync. On a 08-10, take -1 sync. The MC will #tag as appropriate.

When you grep a node, roll moth and add your sync with it. On a 13-17, you get detailed, useful and pertinent data. On a 11-12, it's either specific or pertinent. On a 08-10, it's either vague or marginal. Use the node without paying, take -1 sync with it; feed the node more data than it wants, take +1 sync.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 01:56:56 AM by Nathan Orlando Wilson »

Re: Current state of the basic moves
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 07:42:58 PM »
Here's my opinion:

0. The first two stats, cool and deep, are about bolstering your own position, physically in the case of cool and mentally in the case of deep. These two stats are how you manage internal, personal resources, which of course you can then use to influence others. The last two stats, heavy and hot, are about interacting with others, managing your power over them, as well as managing their hold or power over you (especially in the case of injury). Although there's a bit of cross-over there.
(sort of: cool=edge; deep=echo; heavy=fray; hot=vamp)

1. When you avoid interference, roll your cool.
Cool is about generating a defensive resource. It applies only to you and only in a specific situation. You use this resource to avoid the negative consequences of your actions or circumstances.

…and when you evade danger, pursuit, or detection, roll cool+evade.
8-10   Take 1 action unimpeded or get in/out/through with a consequence.
11-12   Take 2 actions unimpeded or get in/out/through.
13+   Take 3 actions unimpeded or complete a full mission.

…and when you resist pressure, roll cool+resist.
8-10   You resist the pressure at a cost.
11-12   You resist the pressure; or you give in and take 1 hold or cause stress.
13+   You reverse the pressure; take 1 hold on them or deal stress+1.
(this layout could also be -1stress+cost / -2stress+option / -3stress+reverse, depending on how important the stress track is)

2. When you take a look, roll your deep.
Deep is about creating new stats, essentially, although they can be anything that acts as a source of information. But you are managing an external mechanical resource that then provides you with a narrative resource.

When you conduct a search, roll deep+[method].
8-10   Find source+0, and the GM will add a negative tag.
11-12   Find source+1, and the GM will add a tag.
13+   Find a source+2.

When you access a source, roll deep+source.
8-10   Gain impression or vague info.
11-12   Gain specific or detailed info.
13+   Gain detailed, specific, and useful info.
Use the source without paying: take -1source.
Feed source more than it wants: take +1source.

[methods] are stats you pick up from your playbook. Examples: contact, datamine, investigate, recall.

3. When you show your strength, roll your heavy.
Heavy is about managing a resource that sticks to other characters: harm. Either you are generating harm that you apply to others, or you are mitigating the harm that has been done to you.

…and when you commit assault, roll heavy+assault.
8-10   Your target chooses 1:
      back off or flee
      give in
      suffer harm
      take cover
11-12   Your target either gives in or suffers harm.
13+   Your target gives in and suffers harm.

…and when you recover from shock, harm, or setbacks, roll heavy+recover.
8-10   Recover 1 harm or stress box after being stunned or take 1 action unimpeded.
11-12   Recover 1 harm or stress box and continue acting or 2 boxes after being stunned.
13+   Recover all harm or stress boxes.
(this doesn't always mean you heal the wound or whatever, it means you erase marks from your harm track)

4. When you attract attention, roll your hot.
Hot is about generating a resource that you possess that applies only to certain other characters.

When you vamp someone, roll hot+[style].
8-10   They answer 1 question you ask.
11-12   They answer 2 questions you ask or you answer 1 question they pick.
13+   They answer 2 questions you ask and you answer 1 question they pick.
(insert list here)
Each answer that isn't a complete negative gets you 1 hold over them.

[styles] are stats you pick up from your playbook. Examples: dissemble, interview, orate, seduce.

When you make a deal with someone, roll social+hold.
8-10   If you give them concrete assurances or payment up-front, you can spend hold.
11-12   If you make a promise, you can spend hold.
13+   You can spend hold; if they agree or you break their will, they become an ally.
If they want what you offer, they will probably agree. If they refuse, you can spend hold to cause stress, 1-for-1.

5. Harm and stress.

When you suffer harm:
1harm is serious but not life-threatening injuries.
2harm is possibly life-threatening and/or crippling injuries.
3harm is life-threatening mutilation.
4harm is bodily destruction causing death.

When you suffer stress:
1stress is uncomfortable but does not cause a reaction.
2stress calls for a mild reaction.
3stress is extreme pressure.
4stress breaks your will.

6. These stats suggest six playbooks, each with special moves catering to a different pair of stats.

The Agent (Provocateur) is hot and deep, a master manipulator, running spies and pushing the pieces into place. A crime, a dare, a promise; a lie you want so much to be true, because the rest of it is.

The Breaker is cool and heavy, a shadow warrior; covert ops, assassin-for-hire, or soldier of fortune. When words are not enough but open war is a step too far, this is the man you call for.

The General is deep and heavy, someone with a map and a gun and a finger on the pulse, who knows what bank the money is in and has the firepower to make a large withdrawal.

The Heartbreaker is hot and heavy, James Bond style, a lion among the lambs when you need the wolves to be shaken, not stirred. Fast cars, a fighter's body; danger. You're smart enough to walk away… aren't you?

The Liar runs cool and hot. It's so, so simple. Just find out who they know, who they love, who they ignore, but most of all, who they trust. Once you find out exactly who can get everything you want, all you have to do is be that person.

The Spider is cool and deep, at the centre of a web of contacts. If it can be bought, sold, hacked, or stolen, the spider has electronic strings attached to it, just waiting to be reeled in. A voice on a phone, a name on a screen, a package delivered—the prince of thieves.

Although that could be a little too thyberpunk.



  • 330
Re: BASICS: Moves
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 01:58:16 AM »
[bump top post updated]