Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff

  • 20 Replies
Re: Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2011, 12:12:24 PM »
Well, defy danger is con now, right?
In the Red Book release, which I believe it's the latest one, it's still Dex. It has its roots in the "Dodge" move which was in an early release. Given that both Saving Throw and Defend are Con, I really hope it doesn't change (?).

Re: Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2011, 12:34:59 PM »
Oh! I don't have the Red Book; I've been using the hack version available on the website. It still has "Dodge" as a dex-based move and it has "Defy Danger", which is similar to AW's harm move.

I guess that's where part of the confusion lies!

Re: Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2011, 02:03:51 PM »
Oh, yes. It's modifier; I should probably say something like "If a move says +key, it means your key stat's bonus.".

I was hoping it might be clearly inferred; it means "when you have at least one focus".
I guessed as much, but as a text writer your job is to make the readers never guess.

The first option's workable; most of the "focused" moves could be replaced with "spend 1" moves, probably. I don't think I want to make it more similar to the wizard/cleric, and I don't think there's a problem with the Cosmic Channeling move as such. I'd rather not provide a specific miss clause; instead, on a miss, the MC makes a move as usual.
Right sure. I'm guessing your objection to making it more similar to Wiz/Clr is aesthetic rather than structural? (Merely asking out of curiosity)

Regarding "extra time and concentration":

Meditation: When you enact your order's specific centering practices with time and concentration at your disposal, you get +2 to Cosmic Channelling.

Re: Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2011, 02:29:15 PM »
RE: key score / mod; you're totally right.

I'd like to say my objection is structural, not merely aesthetic, but I'm really not sure. I'm gonna draft it up that way and see if I like it any more.

On meditation; yeah, that's pretty spot-on, although it's +2 focus, not +2 to the roll.


Re: Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2011, 03:24:30 PM »
I've begun drafting a revision based on the cleric/wizard's casting.

I don't feel like dealing with reformatting it for the forums right now, but I might later; if anyone wants to take a look, it's over here:

I'm not sure I like it.

- Alex

Re: Antisinecurist's DungeonWorld Stuff
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2011, 07:34:37 PM »
I present to you a new class...

The Barbarian
HP: d12

   Chaotic Good: When you use lead others in battle against tyranny or evil, mark XP.
   Evil: When you lay waste or wreak havoc, mark XP.

   Human: Instead of choosing one of Revered, Brutal, or Memento, choose two.

   Dwarf: When you drink dwarven stout before a battle, heal hit points equal to your con modifier and take +1-forward.

   Orc: When you take more damage in a single attack than twice your level, mark a scar (mark only one scar per level). When you parley with orcs or allies of orcs, roll+scars.

   Elf: Reduce your hit point die to d8. At every even level, you may take a move from any class that has “elf” as a racial choice in addition to your move gained from advancement.

   Heavy Weapons Specialist: You can use any melee weapons a fighter could use.   You can only wear the lightest of armors, however.

   Rage: When you enter or maintain a violent rage, roll+con. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, your rage is out of control; hold 3 and you cannot stop fighting until you spend all hold. Spend 1-hold and take -1-forward to:
      - Double your damage when you deal damage.
      - Take +1-armor against a single attack and ignore any saving throw you’d need to make.
      - Use intimidation to parley at +2.
      While you have hold, take -1-ongoing to any move that requires intense concentration, manual dexterity, or social skill. When you stop fighting, lose all hold. When you run out of hold, choose one:
         - Take -1-ongoing until you get a solid rest.
         - Pass out immediately and stay that way for a while, up to a half-hour.
         - Immediately roll to maintain your rage. Take +1-hold and -1 to the roll, cumulative for each time you’ve raged consecutively.

   Choose One: Revered, Brutal, or Memento.
      Revered: Begin play with a level 1 warrior or protector hireling with want: glory or adventure. When you parley with people from your homeland or their allies, take +1 to the roll.

      Brutal: When you inflict damage, deal +1 damage and take +1-forward.

      Memento: When you keep something of symbolic significance and importance from a battle, hold 1. When you spend one hold and relate the lessons you’ve learned in past battles to your current situation, take +1-forward.

      Tireless: When you run out of hold during a rage, you can push your body to keep going without rest. If you do, add this to your list of choices: Take 1d4 damage, ignoring armor, and -1-forward.

      Fuck-Off Big Weapon: You’ve got a melee weapon that deals 1d12 damage. Take -1-ongoing to make moves when you’re wielding it, unless you’re using it to scare the wits out of someone; in that case, take +1 instead.

      Battle-Cry: When you let loose a ferocious cry and charge into battle, hack and slash the nearest enemy. If you deal damage, deal +1 damage and give your allies +1-forward.

      Painted: When you use war paint, instead of +1-forward you take +1-ongoing for a single battle.

      Indomitable: You have +1-armor when you’re wearing light or no armor.

      Grudge: Whenever you take damage, you may take up to your con modifier more damage. If you do, take +that much forward against the enemy that damaged you.

      Wide Swing: When you hack and slash, you may take up to a +3 on the roll. If you do, take -that much armor forward.

      Bastion: When you defend, take up to 3d4 damage. For each die of damage, hold+1.

      Commune: When you emerge from a close, dangerous battle victorious, hold 1. When you commune with the spirits, spend up to three hold and roll+hold spent. On a 10+, ask three questions off of the Spout Lore or Discern Realities list. On a 7-9, ask one question.

      Unstoppable: You have +1-armor when you’re wearing light or no armor.

      Legendary: When you meet someone for the first time, roll+the difference between your level and theirs. On a 10+, they’ve heard of you and they’re awed, impressed, or terrified. On a 7-9, they’ve heard enough to be wary.

      Incredible Swiftness: When you dodge, add you con modifier to the roll.

      Frenzy: When you’re below half your hit points, you deal +1-damage. When you’re below a quarter of your hit points, you have +1-ongoing.

      Regenerative: You’re inscribed with mystical tattoos that fuel and repair your body. When you enter or maintain a rage, on a 10+, heal 1d4+2 hit points. On a 7-9, heal 1d4 hit points.

      Wild Shape: Choose one:
         Bear: When you rage, you drop anything you’re holding and burst out of your clothing and armor, assuming the form of a bear. Treat your constitution modifier as though it were 1 higher as long as you have hold from raging. You fight with your teeth and claws, dealing 1d12+1 damage, melee, piercing-1.

         Lion: When you rage, you drop anything you’re holding and burst out of your clothing and armor, assuming the form of a lion. Treat your strength modifier as though it were 1 higher as long as you have hold from raging. You fight with your teeth and claws, dealing 1d10 damage, melee. When you let loose a ferocious roar, roll+cha. Use that result as to aid all allies and intimidate all enemies who can hear you.

         Wolf: When you rage, you drop anything you’re holding and burst out of your clothing and armor, assuming the form of a wolf. Treat your dexterity modifier as though it were 1 higher as long as you have hold from raging. You fight with your teeth and claws, dealing 1d8 damage, melee. When you’re aided in an attack, deal an extra 1d6+1 damage for each ally aiding you.

      Calling: When you commune with the spirits, tell the GM what you want them to do. The GM will tell you “yes, they can do that, but...” and then 1 to 4 of the following:
         - It’s going to take days/weeks/months/years
         - First you must ____
         - You’ll need help from ____
         - It will require a lot of money
         - The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
         - You and your allies will risk danger from ____
         - You’ll have to destroy or sacrifice ____ to do i

   ____ fought with me, back-to-back, against impossible odds.
   I don’t respect ____, and they don’t respect me.
   ____ has proven themselves in battle.
   ____ is a friend of my people.
You start with 3 gold.

I'm worried, maybe, that it out-fights the fighter. Might be just too good.

- AD