New Version: Backstabbed by an Extortionist

  • 4 Replies
New Version: Backstabbed by an Extortionist
« on: July 10, 2011, 09:44:17 AM »
Finished the new version!

MC Handbook:
<<<Link deleted>>>

Player Moves, Class and Loot sheets:
<<<Link deleted>>>

Races and The Cave Scenario sheets:
<<<Link deleted>>>

It's called "Backstabbed by an Extortionist" because Epic Fail's art blew me away and we had to put it on the cover.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 05:33:11 AM by wightbred »

Re: New Version: Backstabbed by an Extortionist
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2020, 05:49:38 PM »
Hi, is it still possible to find the game?
I would be very interested in trying it.

Re: New Version: Backstabbed by an Extortionist
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2020, 07:04:50 PM »
Thanks for your interest.

We had a lot of fun with this game back in the day, but I was not planning to continue to make it available.

The game design has a few fundamental problems:
- The language used perpetuates racial stereotypes in a way that does not reflect my core beliefs.
- The mechanics include a asymmetrical power mechanic that might be a trigger for some people.
- The game includes a sex mechanic that, whilst inclusive is scope, is potentially problematic.

These design problems do not reflect on the awesome artwork that others have done to support the game.

I also honestly thought no-one would be interested in this old design, and I haven?t played it for years, so I was thinking of mothballing this whole set of threads (except maybe the art).

Happy to have a DM discussion here or on Twitter (@ Wightbred) if you want.

Re: New Version: Backstabbed by an Extortionist
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2020, 03:04:07 PM »
I'm not a native English speaker, so I definitely misunderstood the answer and apologize in advance.
Are you worried about racist components about a fantasy game about goblins?

Re: New Version: Backstabbed by an Extortionist
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2020, 07:33:36 PM »
Yes I am.

There are extensive discussions going on about race in roleplaying in the community right now in parallel to the Black Lives Matter movement, which has caused me to re-evaluate my old games from a new perspective.

Lots of great information about this on Twitter and other forums, and the discussions have lead to a response by Wizards of the Coast about the current version of Dungeons and Dragons: