When you get ready to do it, do it...

  • 31 Replies


  • 777
Re: When you get ready to do it, do it...
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2011, 01:10:45 AM »
I really like Spout Lore. I especially like Sage's rewording... 'bringing my mind to bear'.
In terms of interaction as a stipulation? Well HELL YES! How boring is it when a player asks what they know about something without getting their fingers dirty. 'So you want to tell us all some tidbits about the crumbling wizard's tower? Sure, but when was the last time you mucked about in its clandestine ruins?'

I love letting the moves establish fiction and in turn the fiction demanding that we make moves. AW and DW are magical roleplaying games.

Re: When you get ready to do it, do it...
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2011, 02:32:14 PM »
Perhaps for Spout Lore and Discern Realities a clause could be added wherein "on a miss the GM will spin untruth, mark XP if you act on that information."  That would help tie a missed roll back to the fiction be requiring the GM to give you some information and incentivize you to move forward with it.
I love this so much.

The following is a hack-of-a-hack, and could clearly be abused, but taking a page from Donjon:

Spout Lore, Donjon style (Int)
When you unleash your accumulated knowledge to provide information on an item, monster or location, answer one of the questions below and roll+Int. On a 10+ you're right. On a 7-9 you're half-right but missing some key information. On a miss, you're totally wrong, in a dangerous way. Take +1 forward when acting on correct information. Mark experience when acting on dangerously wrong information.
  • Is it dangerous to me?
  • What’s its value?
  • What does it do?
  • What type of monster is it?
  • How can I prevent it from ____?
  • How can I make it ____?
  • How effective is (particular plan) likely to be?