What we're waiting for

  • 7 Replies
What we're waiting for
« on: June 09, 2010, 12:16:43 PM »
Oh sure, I'm very excited about being able to pre-order this game. Excellent. But that's not the satisfaction I'm aching for.

Does anyone else remember the arrangement for Vincent's starting Battlebabe to go up against DWeird's starting Gunlugger?

There is sand as yet unstained by blood. When is that going to happen, huh?

Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 11:10:56 AM »
I see you there in the "active in the last 15 minutes" display, lumpley. THE ARENA SAND HUNGERS FOR BLOOD. (The arena sand of #playnow on the magicstar server for IRC, that is. Where DWeird often hangs out in EST mornings, and is at this moment active.)

It's not like you're possibly busy trying to get Apocalypse World ready for print or anything. Psh.



  • 1293
Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 11:15:42 AM »
Worse, I'm at work. I can steal time for forumizing, but chat play, nope.




  • 166
Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2010, 11:36:05 AM »
In the meantime, we should make use of all this sand and make some sand castles! Whee!

Or dirt cakes, if you're into *that* sort of thing.

I'm just stopping by to say that I'm ready to do this whenever - I have a character ready, and am currently sufficiently unemployed to be able to play at nigh any time that I'm not sleeping.

Oh, and, er, this might kind of matter. Does "ap ammo" work on grenades?

Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2010, 12:03:05 PM »
Thinking about it also raised an interesting question.

Two characters both want to shoot each other. Neither has the drop or anything like that. How do you determine who gets to roll seize victory (or their opponent's lifeblood or whatever) by force, and who's just rolling to interfere?



  • 1293
Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2010, 12:11:14 PM »
They both do both.

Harm happens only once -- the same exchange of harm for harm counts for both characters' seize by force moves -- but all the various "inflict terrible"s and "suffer little"s stack on it.


Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2010, 03:07:57 PM »
AP ammo counts for grenades in our game. You just have to be far enough away to not blow yourself up, too.



  • 166
Re: What we're waiting for
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2010, 10:41:51 AM »
A thought occured. Seeing how we don't seem to be exactly likely to be able to show same-place same time, maybe there's some non-sequential way of going about this?

Google Wave, frex. I can't say I really know how to best make use of it (really, I don't know how to make use of it at all)... But people have been using it for such things, mmyes?

Would also go a little way in making more possible MCs accessible to run thing, hopefully.
