Weapon stats

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Weapon stats
« on: July 08, 2010, 07:21:38 PM »
Some things about weapon stats that I find confusing and or bothersome...

 - Battlebabe's guns: What's the idea behind three round burst giving near/far range? I mean, why does a handgun that goes from single shots to burst gain far, and why does a rifle with bursts gain close, when automatic doesn't grant that?

 - Gunlugger: Isn't an assault rifle the exakt example of a weapon with close/far range? As far as I know those things are accurate at several hundred metres as well as being able to spray away at close range. It looks strange to me that the assault rifle doesn't have close/far and the mg only far. Those things are unwieldy.

Um, there was more but I've been on the beach all day. Might be back tomorrow!