In a current game wherein I'm playing a bard, I feel like a bow just doesn't seem right. A sling would be great as mentioned above. A dagger is specifically mentioned in the bard's description; however, have a look at dagger:
Dagger, Shiv, Sharpened Spike, Knife
Hand, 1 Gold, 1 Weight
Notice "hand" but not "reach" or "near" - that means no throwing. Also, given the cost and weight, these weapons are too expensive and heavy to carry to use as missile weapons. The throwing knife is a standard fantasy weapon.
I'd like to suggest that the item be changed to:
Dagger, Shiv, Sharpened Spike, Knife
Hand, Reach, 1 Gold, 1 Weight
The reach makes it a close quarters missile weapon yet still much less powerful than a bow.
Given the 1 weight and odds odds of losing it in a volley, something like "2 Ammo" would make it a bit easier to carry and less risky to throw.