Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman

  • 8 Replies
Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« on: April 08, 2011, 03:08:40 AM »
Just a little something I was musing on today. I'd like others' feedback. It seems different enough from the other weird based characters to me but an outside opinion is always good. Who knows, maybe it'll be an LE release someday. :)

Introducing: The Rust Shaman
Some guys, they can't take the shithole we call society these days. They walk themselves right out into the dust and the sand and the psychic meat grinder with nothing but a pair of shoes. Most of 'em die. The ones that come back, though, soimething's not right about 'em. Eyes are all glassy, one foot in this world and one in the next.

cool   Hard   Hot   Sharp   Weird
-1   +1   +1   0   +2
0   +1   -1   +1   +2
+1   0   +1   -1   +2
0   -1   +1   +1   +2

Moves - Pick 2:
Warp and Weft - When you roll to read a situation, roll +weird instead of +sharp

One Foot in the Other World - Weird +3

Sending a Conjure - Roll to help or interfere with someone, regardless of range. If you can't see the person or otherwise don't know what they're up to, the modifier applies to their next roll.

Dust in the Wind - at the beginning of the session, roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. At any time, either you or the MC can spend your hold to have you already be there OR to escape your current scene (or both if your timing is really good). You just step behind a rock or into a dust storm and step out the other side. On a miss, the MC holds 1, and can spend it to have you already be there, but somehow pinned, caught or trapped. Note that this does not assume that you're prepared or know what's going on where you're headed. That's your problem.
Voice of the Spirits - You can seek the advice of the spirits of the maelstrom. Roll +weird to see what they want you to do. On a 10+ mark experience and take a +1 if you do as your
they wish. On a 7–9, take a +1 if you do what they want and act under fire
if you don’t. On a miss, they have their own agenda and act under fire if you don’t
follow it.

Guidance of the Spirits - You can seek the advice of the spirits on behalf of others. Tell them what you honestly think the best course is. If they do it, they take +1 to any rolls they make in the doing, and you mark an experience circle.

New Rust Shaman move (x2)
New Other Move (x2)
Get followers and fortunes
+1 Cool
+1 Hard
+1 Hot
+1 Sharp
Add an oralce (tarot cards, bones etc) and gain +augury when using it

Good other playbook powers
Just Give Me a Motive
Visions of Death
Healing Touch

Honestly, I wouldn't mind swapping out one of the moves above for something similar to Visions of Death or Indomitable, I just didn't want to copy either of those wholesale.

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2011, 12:56:02 PM »
Hey. There're no Hx descriptions and no sex move. But idea of Rust Shaman is good. I like it.

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2011, 02:33:39 PM »
Doh! You're right. I'll touch it up tomorrow or Monday. I still want to swap in a battle move, too.

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2011, 07:19:43 PM »
I feel like Dust in the Wind might work better more like this:

When you summon up a dust devil to get somewhere else, roll +Weird. On a 10+ it appears, and you and whoever you choose can travel through it to your chosen destination. On a 7-9 you open the way okay but it doesn't close right away - maybe something can follow you through.

Partly just because the hold seems a little too much like the Savvyhead move, and partly because I like the idea of the dust devil portal thing.

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2011, 10:00:53 PM »
It is like the Savvyhead/Faceless thing. . .and someone else has the escape power. I like the portal idea but I'm a bit torn about making it that overtly supernatural. The old shaman (or Shaolin monk, same difference) just being there is kind of a trope. Think of Gandalf (admittedly not a shaman or a monk) and his line about how a wizard always arrives on time, never before or after.

I like the idea that the Rust Shaman's supernatural abilities might be just that or he might just be crazy clever, emphasis on crazy. Which does give me some ideas, although they'll need adjusting too.:

One Foot In The Other World
Sending a Conjure (roll+Hx for PC's, weird for NPC's)

Guidance of the Spirits: Ask the spirits of the malestrom for help in an upcoming task and roll +weird and take a psi-harm (+/- 0) roll. Act under fire when not pursuing this task.
On a 10+ pick 3, on a 7-9 pick 1. On a miss you act under fire when not pursing the task.
*Take +1 ongoing for tests directly related to your task. If the task is still incomplete at the end of the session, this bonus ends.
*Mark experience when you complete the task.
*Don't roll on the psi-harm table.
*Anyone who stands in your path is acting under fire.
*Don't act under fire when not pursuing this task.
(Not sure if this is too general/powerful but its much more where I was intending to go with this)

Dust In The Wind: Pick a destination. Go for a walk and roll +weird.
On a 10+ you arrive at your destination without encountering any difficulties. Guards, locks and detection systems are no barrier and do not note your passing.
On a 7-9 Pick one of the following:
*Your companions lose track of you and you arrive alone.
*The wierdest person in the vicinity of your arrival notices that something is up.
*Something unfriendly may have followed you.
(Obviously this one requires some work between MC and player to give it a unique flavor)
On a 6 or less you arrive somewhere inconvenient and/or dangerous. Maybe its a hungry mutant animal's lair. Maybe its just a few feet from where you wanted to be but on the wrong side of the wall (and nearly in view of the guards) etc.

Death Curse: Name someone who you have either successfully Sent a Conjure on before or who you have a part of (hair, nail clippings, an important sentimental trinket etc).
On a 10+ they take 3 psi-harm (ap) sometime in the next 24 hours, at an opportune moment for you if possible.
On a 7-9 they take 2 psi-harm (ap) and you take 1.
On a 6+ YOU take 2 psi-harm (ap) and may not target that person again with Death Curse unless you successfully Send a Conjure against them again or get a new sample.

If you and another character have sex, hold 1 over them. You may spend this 1 at any time to Send a Conjure (even if you don't normally have the move) or Death Curse (if you have the move) as though you had rolled a 10+.

I think, now that the "take psi harm" thing is established, there might be room for a healing move, too. If I add that, the Special would allow for that too.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 10:41:28 PM by nomadzophiel »

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2011, 10:11:43 PM »
Revised dust in the wind is better. I can certainly understand not wanting it to be quite so magical.

Maybe drop Weird roll in the 7-9 results and just have everyone notice that something strange just happened, though. Having everyone present roll weird is (a) a lot of extra rolling and (b) doesn't tell us what NPCs notice.

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2011, 10:41:50 PM »
Updated and made Guidance a pick 3 for 10+.

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 01:19:22 AM »
This looks fun.  For some reason, I am reminded of the wizard from the first Conan movie.  Actually, I see several different potential characters here which I really like.

Quick clarifications:
Did you mean to get rid of Warp and Weft with your second move list, or are you still intending to include it?

And Death Curse has you roll +weird, right?  As of right now it doesn't say, but I presume...

Re: Proto-Playbook, The Rust Shaman
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2011, 02:21:51 AM »
Yes and yes.