Apocalypse World game...online?

  • 12 Replies
Apocalypse World game...online?
« on: April 01, 2011, 12:51:33 AM »
Okay, so I bought the book at PAX East and I really wanna play. Problem is, I don't have enough people near me to play a game. Anyone up for something over Skype or something?

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2011, 07:10:05 AM »
I know it has been played as a PBP somewhere on-line. Hopefully someone else will reply with something more than encouragement :)

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 09:55:08 AM »
This is all PBP, but: Our first game at Snail's Pace ran out of MC (though it was superb while it lasted) and we're playing two more games of it now.  Trevis Martin also runs a game on his wiki.  There may well be room for starting another game at Snail's Pace if a couple new people show up.  If you're the only one interested, one of the games I references might make room for someone else to pop in but I don't want to speak for the other players, particularly the MCs.

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 11:35:53 AM »
PBP hasn't really worked for me in the past, unfortunately. I always found myself logging in during every free moment to see if it was my turn yet. How do you guys tend to do PBP here? Is there a certain day you do it on? Or is it just "whenever the person whose turn it is goes" kinda deal?

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 03:53:11 PM »
If you're asking me, you can go look at the games I pointed you to for a better feel of the pacing, but I'll try to answer, also. 

It varies.  Sometimes we bang out a huge amount of content in a day just because everyone is checking the game and has the free time while they're at work to really push the game.  Most of the time we kind of crawl along.  It's critical to keep enough going that people don't stop checking in.  I think some people play by checking in daily and responding to the threads in which their input is important and just reading the others.  Other players check in every hour or so.  It just kind of works out (when it does).

I have gotten so into games that I was checking in too often and neglecting other stuff.  But I just have to not do that.  It's not too much of an issue right now.  My input frequency in the three games that I'm playing ranges from a few posts per day to one every three days each.  This varies with the placement of my scenes in the "session" where we're deciding to break between sessions or the MC's posting frequency (which, of course, varies as things in their lives change).

Also, we're a little free with some stuff as adaptations to the medium.  The MC might make your harm roll after inflicting harm to keep things moving.  Or you and I, together in a scene, might cross-post our actions and intentions and intersperse dialog and do that for a while between when the MC posts.  And occasionally we have to retcon a situation when we discover that we weren't as on the same page as we thought.

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 06:32:33 PM »
I'm keeping an eye on Snail's Pace now but if anyone knows of another game opening up online, let me know. Otherwise I might just run one myself.

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2011, 07:29:08 AM »
Sort of on topic. To answer the question first: I would be interested in an online game, and would be ok to MC it (never MC'd AW but I do run other games regularly). And I could persuade my wife to join. But I cannot commit to a regular weekly game. I have a few players in my Thursday game who may be interested.

I am part way through writing a maptools framework for AW. I am averse to making it too prescriptive since AW is not about the die rolling as much as the story, but it is close to being playable. I will update the post with the latest version sometime over the weekend.

I am UK based.


Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2011, 09:42:12 PM »
MC Scott is running a PBP on RPOL.net, he might let more people join in.  Try this link to the game, but you'll have to ask permission to join to see anything.

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2011, 04:55:25 PM »
Sort of on topic. To answer the question first: I would be interested in an online game, and would be ok to MC it (never MC'd AW but I do run other games regularly). And I could persuade my wife to join. But I cannot commit to a regular weekly game. I have a few players in my Thursday game who may be interested.

I am UK based.

Hmmm.  This is a rather old topic, but on the off-chance people are still looking,  I too am UK based, and the AW game I was playing in is currently on hiatus as the MC has a really warped sense of priorities and decided to prioritise his newborn firstborn above roleplaying, so would be potentially interested in an online game.

But not PbP - tried it before, not a fan.  Skype or chat would be fine.

My issue is that I'm currently working till around 8pm most weeknights, but that should end in a few weeks, and I am a bit flexible about that.  Weekends would be fine (and likely necessary if the Boston-ish based OP is to play, too).

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2011, 10:11:53 AM »
I've been constantly running one or more text based games at a time online for more than a year now, and I find google documents work like a charm for this. Way less clunky than a proper forum. We write in a two-column table in a regular text doc, with fiction text to the left and ooc text to the right - both for rules talk and for cheering each other on. It also has a built-in chat and simultaneous editing, which does a lot of good as well.

The game pace goes up and down over the weeks, of course. Sometimes, when everyone is at their comps - or with our smartphones at the ready - the game runs really fast. (I love sitting in the sun, playing on my phone, or playing on the subway, or during breaks at work, or wherever!) At other times a week goes by without a single move, which is okay, because everyone is too busy now and then.

Sorry to sound as a sales text, but I'm having so much fun with this. We've been playing much more this way than in several years face-to-face before we started with this. :)

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2011, 09:56:17 AM »
I would be interested in a Skype/Teamspeak game of AW! I don't know if I could commit to a long-term game (not through lack of wanting I assure you but real life) but I would certainly try.

Send me a message if you've started are looking to start soon! Thanks!

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2013, 08:04:56 PM »
I hope it's ok to revive this topic since I pretty much got the same question and don't want to open a whole new topic for it. Also I'm new here so please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong... or write in a bad english...

My question; are there any good sides you would recommend for someone who's searching for a AW-party?

I'm absolutly new to the exciting world of role-playing games (what pretty much means I NEVER played before...) and thanks to a certain, amazing Youtube-Channel I'm totally into Apocalypse World now. All I need now would be a connection to a activ community that plays online. I checked out Snail's Pace, but since the last post on this topic was in 2011 I would think that there are maybe some new sides worth mentioning? :)

Re: Apocalypse World game...online?
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2013, 10:33:42 AM »
Could always go to r/lfg on reddit.

It's the "Looking for group" subreddit. You can use it to find other people in the area to play tabletop games with or to find people to start an online campaign in various systems.