Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions

  • 10 Replies
Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:46:12 PM »
When you love Apocalypse World, roll +cool.

Luxe Eternal is a fanzine for Apocalypse World. The first issue is going to be released near the end of April. It's quite likely that I'll release another issue 3 months after that.

Luxe Eternal is going to be the home of:
  • new custom playbooks
  • pretty maps
  • thoughtful dissection of AW principles and play
  • con scenarios
  • custom moves
  • fan art and fan fiction

If you're interested in submitting for Luxe Eternal, here's the deal:

1.) Priority goes to things that are being released exclusively via Luxe Eternal.

2.) Each accepted submission is worth 1-barter. 1-barter is the going rate for: a PDF issue. 3-barter is the going rate for: a print issue.

3.) As editor, I'll be working with you to make sure that your piece is polished, of the right length, and of the right tenor for inclusion in Luxe Eternal. Generally, we don't want articles longer than 750 words, nor maps bigger than a half-letter (portrait) page.

4.) With custom playbooks, you have the option to submit it unformatted/without illustration, or formatted/with illustration. If submitted unformatted, I'll format it and work with you to create a playbook illustration.

5.) With everything else, I'll be formatting it and laying it out.

6.) I'm not sure how much the fanzine will cost, per issue. I'd like it to be enough to make 30-50 cents an issue, after printing & paypal fees & packaging & shipping. My best guess, at the moment, is that it'll work out to $3 per copy, or $1 per PDF.

6a.) The reason I want to make coin is because otherwise my incentive for keeping up the work is very low.

TO SUBMIT: Email me at mcdaldno(AT)gmail(DOTT)com, or reply here.

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 07:07:12 PM »
I wanna do some kind of art for it. Cover?

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2011, 08:09:06 PM »

Art would be totally awesome! We have one piece of art submitted so far, by Tazio Bettin: . A brainer, with her violation glove.

Since that's a full-colour, ink-heavy image, I'm leaning towards using it as an issue cover.

So, art options are:
  • submitting a black & white piece of interior art
  • submitting another cover art option: whichever of the two wasn't used for the first issue would likely be used for the second

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2011, 11:08:46 PM »
Don't be an apologist joe, I'm sure you could make more money farming gold on WOW. We are all better off you getting paid to keep making things.

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2011, 06:43:36 AM »
This is crack-tactic!!

Question: when you say exclusive does that mean we can bounce the ideas off the boards? Other zines? What's the intent here (which I think is a great idea btw)?

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2011, 03:08:45 PM »
Hey, how about both.
I prefer color art, but I don't wanna be left out.

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2011, 04:25:12 PM »
Question: when you say exclusive does that mean we can bounce the ideas off the boards? Other zines? What's the intent here (which I think is a great idea btw)?

What I mean by that is this: while it isn't the biggest deciding factor on whether a piece gets accepted or not, one factor is whether or not people can get the piece elsewhere.

I'd like Luxe Eternal to feel really exciting. It's less exciting if you can get the exact same content elsewhere.

My thoughts with playbooks are the clearest: I'm talking to Tim about putting The Shell into Luxe Eternal. Now, Tim's been workshopping it on the AW forums. That's fine - but the pretty, illustrated, edited version is likely to appear exclusively in Luxe Eternal.

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2011, 12:37:37 PM »
Would a con scenario including a bunch of love letters and stuff be too much material for a submission?

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2011, 06:52:34 PM »

I imagine Luxe Eternal having room for 1-2 large submissions (submissions that take up more than, say, 4 finished pages). Having a big con scenario with 6 custom characters and 6 love letters and 2 maps and 12 NPCs is pushing it... but still feasible and definitely interesting to me.

I'd suggest emailing back and forth with me before springing forward and writing it up. That way, we know whether or not it will work before you commit to the big endeavor of actually writing and refining the thing.

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2011, 01:36:00 PM »

Re: Luxe Eternal #1: Call for Submissions
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 04:36:17 PM »

No hard-nad-fast deadline as of yet. I'm planning to publish at the end of April, and so ideally I have 95% of the content locked in by the start of April.