AW hack for kids + Clone Wars example

  • 1 Replies
AW hack for kids + Clone Wars example
« on: February 28, 2011, 02:01:40 AM »
Over the holidays we had the family together so we had a house full of young kids (4-10 years old, mix of boys and girls). They wanted to play an RPG “please Uncle Wightbred”, but the younger ones find Dungeon World (DW) a little too complex. I told them to choose what they wanted and I’d make up a game and they chose Clone Wars.

I used AW as the basis because I find it a great framework to hack and came up with the rules in the next post. Also the freeflowing nature of AW fits the way the Clone Wars series plays out. Not the best design, but it was quick and they had a great time and the 10 year old easily MCed a session without me present.

Because they were younger I:
- Cut marking experience because even the older ones always forgot to do it in DW.
- Combined the “yes, but...”bits of the 7-9 into a simple table as they found this easier.
- Used Mouse Guard inspired conditions to drop the maths requirement.
- Obviously left out Special Moves and made sure the characters can’t die. Neither can their main enemies, which is not exactly putting them in the MC’s sights but fits the theme.

I’m thinking of coming up with another game for them (maybe fairies and gnomes?) and wanted to get suggestions and ideas on rules for kids.

Has anyone else done this with AW? I know there are cool games like Wildlings, but specifically with AW?

Any ideas for making an AW rules hack for kids?

Re: AW hack for kids + Clone Wars example
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 02:04:02 AM »
By Wightbred + Updated 28 February 2011

Disclaimer: Fan project not for financial gain. All the names in here are probably trademarked out the wahzoo.


Ability scores are Agility, Charisma, Fighting and Technical. Jedi also get Force. When creating characters use this array for Jedi: +3 +1 +1 +0 -1, because they have 5 abilities. Use this array for everyone else: +2 +2 +1 -1.

- Angry: -1 ongoing to Force, Charisma and Technical. A short break needed to remove.
- Injured: -1 ongoing to Agility and Fighting. Medical assistance needed to remove.
- Unarmed: -1 ongoing to Fighting. Pull a Stunt to remove it by grabbing a new weapon..
Jedi can also have this condition:
- Tempted (by the Dark side): take +1 ongoing to Force. Counsel of another character (Negotiate) needed to remove.

Ship conditions:
- Guns jammed. Cannot use Fight the Clankers from the ship until it is fixed.
- Hyperdrive broken. Can’t go into Hyperspace until it is fixed.
- Shields down. Ship will be destroyed and crew will be in lifeboats if you pay another Cost.

At the end of every adventure choose one of these:
- Increase one ability score by one to a maximum of +3. You can only do this to each score once.
- Get an extra move from your playbook.
- Write a new bond with another PC.


For all the basic moves below roll 2d6 + appropriate Ability Score. On a:
- 6 or less the MC makes a move, as hard as they like.
- 7 to 9 you Succeed, but must pay a Cost.
- 10+ you Succeed.

If you pay a Cost choose one appopriate to the situtation from the list below:
- Take a Condition to you or your ship.
- Lose 1d6 Clone Troopers or Clone Starfighters if there are any with you.
- Set off an alarm or tip off the enemy.
- Fall unconscious until the MC says you awake.
- Be separated from the others.
- Something else cool that everyone agrees on.

Fight the Clankers (Fighting)
When you attack the enemies of the Republic either in person or with your space ship use this move. Roll +Fighting. On a Success choose one:
- Destroy 2d6 Battle Droids or similar minions.
- Destory 1d6 Super Battle Droids, Vulture Droids or similar minor threats.
- Destroy 1 Droideka, tank or similar moderate threat.
- Choose a Condition for a Sith Lord or similar Major Threat (or their ship) to pay. You gain +1 ongoing against them until they remove the condition.

Fix Something (Technical)
When you try to fix something or use a computer terminal, use this move. Roll +Technical. On a Success choose one:
- Repair a Ship Condition.
- Build a minor item.
- Open a locked door.
- Shut down all the garbage compactors on the detention level or similar.
- Find out something important from the central database.
- If there is sufficient time, build something new.

Pull a Stunt (Agility)
When you take decisive action that is not trying to directly kill your enemies, either in person or with your spaceship, use this move. Roll +Agility. On a Success choose one:
- Take definite control of something such as an item, position or hostage.
- Sneak to where you want to be, including ‘flying casually’.
- Gain an advantage on the enemy. Take +1 forward.
- Negate an enemies advantage.
- Pilot yourself out of trouble.

Negotiate (Charisma)
When you negotiate terms with allies or enemies or try to calm down a friend use this move. Roll +Charisma. On a Success choose one:
- Your friend loses the Angry Condition.
- Your allies agree to your terms.
- Your enemies agree to your terms, for now.

Read a person (Charisma)
When you try to understand more about someone use this move. If they are an NPC roll +Charisma, if they are a PC roll +(the number of bonds you have with them). On a Success choose one:
- Take +1 forward to tests to help this person or resist their moves.
- Aid the person, by giving them +1 on their next roll.
- Hinder the person, by giving them -1 on their next roll.

- (More) Clankers arrive.
- Make them pay a cost of your choosing, except the Tempted Condition.
- Tempt them to the Dark Side with inducements.
- Other MC moves as per Apocalypse World.


Jedi Playbook

Choose one Move:
- Force Push: Use Force instead of Agility to Pull a Stunt. This doesn’t include piloting a spacecraft.
- Force Sense: Use Force instead of Charisma to Read a Person. This doesn’t work on other Jedi, Droids or Sith.
- Lightsaber Attack: When you succeed in Fighting the Clankers, in addition to your Success destroy 1d6 additional Battle Droids or similar minions.
- Mind Trick: Use Force instead of Charisma for Negotiate. This doesn’t work on other Jedi, Droids or Sith.

At the end of the adventure you can choose one of these Moves or the ones above as appropriate:
- Gain a Padawan: Make up a look for the Padawan who acompanies you. They give you +1 ongoing to Force when they are with you, but they are liable to get into trouble. If you are currently a Padawan in your “Look” make yourself a Knight at the same time.
- Join the Dark Side: Your character becomes an NPC Sith. Create a new one.

- Human + Cerean + Kel Dor + Mon Calamari + Rodian + Twi’lek
- Padawan + Knight + Master
- Blue Lightsaber + Green Lightsaber + Purple Lightsaber
- Loose cloak + Shrouded face + Partial armor

- “The force is strong with _________.”
- “_________ is a true friend of the Republic.”
- “I distrust _________, because ______________.”

Clone Trooper Playbook

You get these Moves:
- Armoured: Ignore one Injured Condition per battle.
- Brothers in Arms: You usually start with 2d6 Clone Troopers with you depending on the adventure. Assume they are fighing other enemies unless you use a Move which involves them.

Plus choose one more Move from these:
- Assault Commander: When you succeed in Fighting the Clankers, in addition to your Success destroy one Battle Droid or similar minion per NPC Clone Trooper with you.
- Heavy: When you succeed in Fighting the Clankers, in addition to your Success destroy 1d6 additional Battle Droids or similar minions.
- Just a scratch: You may ignore the effects of the Injured condition until the end of the battle you take it in.
- One Amoungst Millions: Once per battle when you would have taken the Injured condition you can lose 1d6 Clone Troopers or Clone Starfighters if there are any with you instead.
- Scout: Use Fighting to Pull a Stunt and get where you want to be.

At the end of the adventure you can choose from the moves above or this Move if appropriate:
- Redeployed: Remove your character create a new one.

- Twin Blaster Pistols + Blaster + Heavy Blaster
- Shiny armor + Beaten armor + Stained armor
- Red stripes + Blue stripes + Gold stripes
- Goatee + Shaved head + Facial scar + Clanker finger bracelet

- “_________ is a brave ally.”
- “I’ve saved _________ from trouble before, and will do again.”
- “I’m not sure I trust _________, because ______________.”

Droid Playbook

Choose two Moves:
- Astromech: Use Technical instead of Agility to Pull a Stunt including piloting.
- Medical: You can use Fix Something to cure another character of the Injured condition.
- Not for combat: You can’t use Fight the Clankers against anything but other droids, and enemy will not usually target you in combat unless you do attack other driods.
- Protocol: Use Technical instead of Charisma to Negotiate. This move also lets you communicate in the language of almost every lifeform.
- Hidden talents: Once per adventure you take +1 Technical forward by using tools that pop out of your body.

At the end of the adventure you can choose one of the above moves or this Move if appropriate:
- New model: Remove your character and create a new one.

- Shiny + Patched + Dirty
- Wheels + Legs

- “_________ is a good master.”
- “_________ needs my help the most.”
- “_________ is illogical”

I was planning a Representative (Senator) playbook, but no-one wanted to play one so I didn’t waste my time.