Okay, this thread is gonna be to talk about the characters to play in the game, their moves, and how to divide them up. Right now I'm working on the assumption of playbooks as in standard AW, but Gregor Vuga's Sagas of the Icelanders has a more modular approach (that's divided by gender! Damn!) that looks cool. So I'm open to other suggestions.
Under the assumption of 'defined playbooks, no duplicates' as in the regular game, I'm thinking it works best to have the players be members of the same house, which still leaves plenty of room for cooperation and competition.
Okay, so, I want to do some pretty extensive hacking, but I'm thinking that the following character types will be "inspired by" the standard playbooks listed, meaning not just borrowed and modified moves, but the sort of role they play in relation to one another:
- The Lord - Hardholder
- The Lady - more complicated, I want the option of being a female lord, basically, or playing up her expected gender role (skinner moves?)
- The Maester - a funky mash-up of Savvyhead and Angel, but probably not as good at healing as the Angel
- The Septon/Septa - stuff from the hocus, but a little less wacknut by default
- Sworn Sword/Man at Arms/Retainer - gunlugger
- Vassal (or the heir?) - Chopper
- Craftsman - operator?
- Sell Sword - battlebabe?
Okay, so I can't think of any sort of driver analogue, and obviously the missing brainer is a big hole, especially since I do want there to be some subtle weirdness (prophetic dreams, skinchangers, et cetera). Moreover, any more jobs I can think of from the Ice and Fire direction start to seem super specialized and less genre-central, like sailors or singers or what not.
Oh, also, I don't want this to be a 'no girls allowed' kind of game, and right now the lady is the only role up there really 'for' women in the setting. Oh, and the septa. But there are lots of powerful and influential women in teh series, and there should be in the game too!
So who's got some ideas on why the above sucks or what other characters should be available and anything else?