Custom Moves (Advesary and Otherwise)

  • 1 Replies
Custom Moves (Advesary and Otherwise)
« on: November 10, 2010, 02:25:46 PM »
Post your custom moves for Minions, Inc. here.

Re: Custom Moves (Advesary and Otherwise)
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 08:02:05 PM »
Hello... After all my search to find Custom Moves that fits my vision of minions Inc, I found a huge pletora of them in the Story Games forum, so I pick some of them and change some words to fit the idea. I will create my own but first, I steal some and place here to help Minions Inc spread in the world!

Okay, here we go:

When the Employer is pleased with your efforts, start a countdown clock. Every time you make a serious effort of pursuing the Employer's agenda, mark one segment. Every time you bring disgrace upon yourself, erase one segment. If you bring disgrace upon the Employer, it Becomes disappointed with your efforts. Once you have marked two segments, the Employer has a special mission for you. Once you have marked three segments, you may submit yourself for a promotion. If you receive a promotion, erase your old countdown clock and start a new one when the Employer is again pleased with your efforts, unless you are promoted to Advisor, in which case this move does not apply. Once you have marked all six segments without being promoted, you attract the jealousy of others of your rank and erase the last segment so it can be filled in again.

When you submit yourself to the Employer for a promotion, roll+Persuade. Other members of the Employer´s organization can help you if they are PCs, but they lose the right to submit themselves for a promotion for now. On a 10+, you receive glowing reviews. You get a promotion (+1 Quality Rank, max rank is Advisor) and a raise in the salary of 1-barter as a bonus.  On a 7-9, you aren't seen as ready yet. The Employer will have you perform one task, and if you complete it without embarrassing yourself or the Employer, you get promoted (+1rank) with the same salary. On a miss, your audacity in requesting promotion is seen as insulting to the Employer and the Employer is disappointed with your efforts.

When the Employer has a special mission for you, roll+Analyse. On a 10+, no one really expected you to make it back alive - hold +2 for when you submit yourself to the Employer for a promotion after completing your mission and choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2:
•   You may request equipment worth 1-barter to aid your mission.
•   Take +1 forward for when the Employer is pleased with your efforts if you succeed.
•   You know what the mission means - apply Read the sitch to the Employer.
•   You are coached for the mission - apply Read the sitch to the mission.

On a miss, ask the MC for two truths and two lies about the mission and +2 forward for when you attract the jealousy of others henchmen.

When you attract the jealousy of others henchmen, roll TO SAVE YOUR SKIN. On a 10+, take -1 forward for when you submit yourself to the Employer for a promotion and chose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1:
•   All PCs who works for the employer mark +1Dx with you (on their sheet).
•   All PCs who works for the employer may highlight their Dx with you (on their sheet) until highlights are reassigned.
•   Tell the MC to hold 3 against you (He will use it on their future moves in this mission).

On a miss, +1 forward when you submit yourself to the Employer for a promotion a member of current Organization you work for.

When the Employer is disappointed with your efforts, Roll+Persuade:
On a 10+, the punishment is a mere formality and you don't suffer any terrible fate or lose rank. On a 7-9, you are given a serious punishment but you don't lose rank.
On a miss, you lose one rating in quality (Civilian is 1, Grunt is 2, Henchman are 3, Elite is 4, Advisors is 5). If you're only an civilian, you are fired from Employer´s organization and you must find another job through Minions Inc OR the Employer attempts to have you executed (Depends of the Employers standard behavior).

When breaking bad news to your Employer, you must try to Save your Skin (Roll+ Evade). On 10+, the Employer is glad to had someone like you to tell them. On 7-9, the Employer won't get angry at you, at least. On 6 or lower, the bad news is definitely *your* fault, in their eyes! Imediatly you suffer -2 to your roll because the Employer is disappointed with your efforts.

When you and some fellow henchmen together, hunt the Adversary, you all roll+improvise. For each 10+, add 2 hold to the pool, for each 7-9, add 1. You and some fellow henchmen may spend hold from the pool at any time, one for one, on these effects:

•   You take the glory for what just happened (+2 Reputation).
•   Your preparation paid off, someone else takes +1 forward to the stat of your choice.
•   Someone else notices a clue to the Adversary location or weaknesses, say who notices it and ask the MC what it is, they take +1 when acting on the clue.
•   An NPC has followed you, they have something you need, but are otherwise unprepared and vulnerable.

All my best regards,

Alessandro Franzen