The (Ghost) Field

  • 6 Replies


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The (Ghost) Field
« on: March 18, 2011, 11:21:35 PM »
Originally, there's a stat and a basic move, then a new hold-economy, and yeah. It was lame.

Instead, I came up with this:

When you channel the Field to commit acts inhuman and graceless, tell the Field what you want, what you need.

You can't refuse its gifts; your reciprocity is expected in equal measure.

What it asks in return is dictated by your Moth.

Pick a flavour:

It seeks to be the only thing in your existence. It questions your commitments. It demands fidelity.

Offer up more bodies, more wealth, the firstlings and the fat thereof. It wants to suck the whole of your being out with its caresses.

It pulls you in closer, deeper, softer, wetter, further and further with the waters of the birth push.

Hush, beloved. We'll see to it that there is blood to paid for crossing us.

It transforms your body into its home; your soul its skin.

It rarely cares for your petty wants and desires, sleeve.

No one can know about us. They'll ruin it; they can't be trusted.



  • 4
Re: The (Ghost) Field
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2011, 12:50:20 AM »
So is this negotiated between the player and the GM?  Player wants X, GM says cost is Y?

Player: I use the Field to rip the life force out of his body.
GM: Cool!  But the Field demands reciprocity...
Player: I chose Jealousy.
GM: Hmmm.  Okay, the Field is jealous and demands your attention.  You have to go murder your lover if you want it's help...

Or am I totally mistaken?



  • 330
Re: The (Ghost) Field
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2011, 01:37:08 AM »
Yeah, kinda like that.

You choose one at the start play, I figure. One's Moth is one's link to the Field.

Like this: your PC's Moth is Jealous, say. Thus you're all "Dear Moth, there's is nothing more in the world I want more than to rip out this punks throat." So, the Field is all like, "Sure, no big. I fill you with my wrath such that singularities wane in my presence. Your hand cuts through his armour like its water, seizing his trachea and pulls it out." And you're all "Holy shit that's dope. I didn't even have to roll!."

And the MC makes a little note of it and saves that very hard move for whenever.

Like when you're fucking Roflball later, he's starts screaming: Choke me! Choke me! or maybe he puts his hands on your throat and fucks you rotten but his hands are too cold and his eyes are dead. To which you are like shit: How is Roflball mixed up with the Field? Or, if the Field is particularly pissy, hang Roflball or something crude like that. Or it shows up just about when you're about to get it on and demands attention right the fuck now.

You get a free pass at being effective but monstrous and the MC advances Front: the Field and gets a free hard move with a suggested flavour.

Also, consorting with the Field in the fiction is likely to bring on a lot of heat. As such, being all jacked on spooky murder is likely to get you killed. Or at least invite Wraiths and other nasty shit.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 03:06:14 PM by Nathan Orlando Wilson »



  • 4
Re: The (Ghost) Field
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2011, 10:22:29 AM »
I get it.  So a Moth is like a Totem or some sort of fucked up Guardian Angel.  Cool.



  • 330
Re: The (Ghost) Field
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 06:13:52 PM »
Add this:

Everyone starts with Moth-2.

When you *as above*, roll+moth.

On 10+, sure, it'll play along for precious.
On 7-9, ditto but take +1moth.

If you're Moth+4, the Field comes to take one of its own.

You can always sub +moth for any basic move. Add the moth results to the lists, though.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 03:06:38 PM by Nathan Orlando Wilson »

Re: The (Ghost) Field
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2011, 08:26:56 PM »
What's with that last bit?  Do you mean to say accomplish a move but be monsterous?

So Nathan, have you gotten any play of this beautiful mostrocity? :)



  • 330
Re: The (Ghost) Field
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2011, 10:41:35 PM »
That's the next step: I have players that are totally geared we just need to hammer out a schedule.

This week I think and I'll have APs and that kinda stuff soon.