Thanks for posting Nils! My thoughts...
Yes, without intending to we very much made this a one-shot rather than the first session in a campaign. Quite typical for our group, as we tend to escalate stakes rather quickly and usually burn out our campaigns by the fifth our sixth session at the latest. But no worries, we will have a better start next time, now that we are a bit more informed!
It's interesting to note that all the things that didn't work that well had to do with me forgetting parts of the game's instructions. Like pushing a bit more to have the characters be allies from the start. Not like here, just fellow travelers without any reason to trust or help each other. Or like forgetting the to do it, do it-rule when it came to interfering, which made those rolls seem abstract or meta until I remembered.
A matter of taste, as well, that I carry with me from the game, is to make an effort not to let human lives get too cheap, at least in the protagonists' eyes. I mean, I love it that the world is such a harsh place and all, but I can feel a bit degraded myself and lose my engagement when the protagonists, or their gang in this case, constantly strive to behave like fucking savages . A matter of taste, as I said, but in the future I'll try to steer players away from that kind of character.
A funny thing, in the example about serious harm and taking debilities Vincent mentions that he's never seen that kind of violence between player characters in actual play. We went way beyond that on our first session with the game! :)
A couple of things I'm wondering about is if we made brain whispers to useful and experience progress too swift. When Smith the brainer was taking cover from the gang's fire, he was firing off brain whispers as fast as the player could shout it out, via his brain relay in front of the cover. One thing about this was that it seemed very potent. Sure, a miss would have led to a hard move by me, but with +3weird he didn't miss much. Has anyone experienced this as an issue?
Also, with weird highlighted - new to the game we naturally found that interesting - he made two advances in like two minutes of in-fiction time. And about the same with the chopper and his highlighted hard. I'm not personally bothered by that, but I'm wondering if I've missed something, if it's not intended to work that way?
Anyway, the game itself was as awesome as it seemed before, and actual play experience is bound to improve.
Gonna reread the book now that I've tried tried it in real life! :)