Introducing... the Weeder

  • 6 Replies
Introducing... the Weeder
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:26:26 AM »
So a friend of mine, Erik, made a playbook called the Weeder. It's in a friends-locked lj post, but I got his permission to share it. Here ya go!

The Weeder

Amber waves of grain, that was part of the golden age, food enough to eat for everyone.  Food enough to waste, and the trash pits of the old days overflowed with things to eat that command serious jingle these days.  You ever been hungry then I know you heard that shit, we tell it to one another every time the only other thing to hear is the growling of an empty belly.  Nowadays, farming's a sucker's bet, where the wheel comes up famine, disease, famine, disease, and only the desperate scrape at the ground in hopes of something both green and edible.  Only the desperate and the Weeder, who knows a thing about that which comes out of this poisoned, scorched soil green and how to make it grow.  You ever not been hungry, you've got one to thank.

To Make a Weeder, choose a name, look, stats, moves, farm, gear and Hx.  Choose in any order you like.

Jessamy, Folger, Scrape, Ivy, Cass, Daryl, Marco, Vavilov, Chorey, Cincinnatus, Jackass, Daisy, Ramiya, Devin, Yingxia, Tappuah, Concupiscentia, Sanada, Nathaniel, Roman, Demeter, Gorey.

Man, Woman, Ambiguous

Overalls, casual wear, utility wear, scrounge wear

Sunburnt face, pocked face, pretty face, gaunt face, broad face, smiling face, inscrutable face or young face.

Squinting eyes, unreadable eyes, staring eyes, bluging eyes, dark eyes, doe eyes, mismatched eyes or hawk eyes.

Bent body, sturdy body, plump body, wiry body, lush body or odd body.

Callused hands, scarred hands, dirty hands, stained hands, square hands, sure hands or hidden hands.

Choose one set:
Cool -1 Hard 0 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird +1
Cool +1 Hard +1 Hot -1 Sharp +2 Weird 0
Cool 0 Hard -1 Hot 0 Sharp +2 Weird +2
Cool +1 Hard 0 Hot +1 Sharp +2 Weird -1

All the basic Moves, which I am not putting down here.  You can go here and get your own.

You get this one:
Feast or Famine: At the beginning of a session, roll + Sharp.  On a 10+ you've grown enough to eat and a lot to sell.  On a 7-9, you've got enough to eat  and a little to sell, or you can skip a few meals and have a lot to sell.  On a miss, your crops are fucked and unless you come up with the means to fix them this session, you don't get to roll them next session.  If you didn't roll last session because they were fucked and you didn't fix them, you can roll this session.

You also get one of these:
Whispers in the Weeds - As long as your crops are not fucked, you can walk through your garden and gain Insight.

Tracker - When entering or examining an area, roll +Sharp, on a 10+, ask three questions, on a 7-9, ask 1:

    * Who came through here last?
    * Where are the people who came through here last headed?
    * Has ____ been here recently, and where did they head?
    * Were they expecting trouble?
    * Were they trying to hide or protect something?

Heel on the Blade - When you roll to seize something by force, you can roll +Sharp instead of +Hard to do it the clever way.  If you do this, you cannot choose to inflict terrible harm.

Green Fingers Know - When facing a blight, disease of plant, animal or human, or a poisoned, blasted, blighted or weird area, roll +Sharp, on a 10+ ask 3 questions, on a 7-9, ask 1.

    * What's causing this?
    * What's the best way to stop or contain it?
    * What's the best way to use it to my advantage?
    * What's the best way to cleanse or clear it?
    * How can I keep from getting sick on it?

If you follow the advice, get +1 forward for dealing with it or using it.  On a miss, you poor bastard, you get sick off it.

It's all Sex and Death - Choose a Special move from one other Playbook.  When you have sex with someone, both apply.

For personal gear, you get

    * A farm tool that has been somewhat modified on the basis that all flesh is grass: hatchet, sickle (2  Harm, Hand) or scythe (3 Harm, Clumsy, Hand).
    * Oddments worth 1 barter.
    * Fashion suitable to your look, including, at your option, a piece worth 1 Armor.

Your farm features 3 of the following: hothouse, grow lights, meat animals, labor animals, fur/leather/textile animals, tractor or atv, a freak of nature with beneficial properties, orchard, farmhands (Pippa, Gorge and Big Sally).

For security, you get either this 1:
a real gang of farmhands (Aloyshka, Tifa, Spleen, Charmschool, and Mikado - 3 Harm small 1 Armor)
or 2 of these:

    * doggies (Sarama and her pups, 2 harm gang, small - 0 armor)
    * downright evil boar that, for some reason doesn't try to eat you (The Beast - 2 Harm, 1 Armor)
    * rifle on the porch (3 Harm, Loud, Reload)
    * fence with some razor wire (1 Armor)
    * secret boltholes and hide-aways
    * poisonous plants (1 Harm AP)

You're a farmer, you're not very complicated.  Everyone gets +1 with you.
You're a farmer, everyone comes to you if they want to eat.  You get +1 with everyone.

Weeder Special
When you have sex with someone, you get to read a sitch from the point of view of your partner, and get +1 forward to anything you do to help or interfere with that sitch.  If you miss, you totally misinterpret what's going on with them in various hilarious and potentially bloody ways.

Weeder Improvement
__ get +1 sharp (max sharp +3)
__ get +1 cool (max cool +2)
__ get +1 hot (max hot +2)
__ get +1 weird (max weird +2)
__ get new Weeder move
__ get new Weeder move
__ your farm now functions much the same way as a Savvyhead's workspace
__ add a feature to your farm
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a move from another playbook

Re: Introducing... the Weeder
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 12:15:27 PM »
This looks pretty cool as is.

"Your farm functions much like a Savvyhead's workspace" strikes me as wonderfully weird.

Also: I <3 Cincinnatus and Demeter as names :)

Re: Introducing... the Weeder
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 02:35:25 PM »
I love this, especially as I just transplanted a bunch of sunflowers, picked a mess of wild berries this morning, and am about to go water the cherry tree. :)

Re: Introducing... the Weeder
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 03:04:55 PM »
So a friend of mine, Erik, made a playbook called the Weeder. It's in a friends-locked lj post, but I got his permission to share it. Here ya go!

I love this playbook.

Tracker - When entering or examining an area, roll +Sharp, on a 10+, ask three questions, on a 7-9, ask 1:

    * Who came through here last?
    * Where are the people who came through here last headed?
    * Has ____ been here recently, and where did they head?
    * Were they expecting trouble?
    * Were they trying to hide or protect something?

Very eerie. I just created a move for my "Ranger" class exactly like this (although the "Were they expecting touble?" and "Were they trying to protect something?" questions I didn't have. Might be stealing them. ;)

Re: Introducing... the Weeder
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 01:31:11 AM »
Perhaps "Feast or Famine" should activate whenever you get downtime (like an Operator's moonlighting) rather than at teh beginning of every session.

Re: Introducing... the Weeder
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2010, 03:35:26 PM »
I agree with Amy and honestly think it might be easier to make farming a gig.  But I love the splat in general and if it's working great in your game, awesome.

Re: Introducing... the Weeder
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 09:58:44 PM »
Thanks! We haven't tried it out in play yet, though.

One thing I did notice, once the idea of "apocalypse farmer" was brought up to me, is that you could actually use existing playbooks pretty well to do it: The Operator with gigs of Honest Work, Deliveries, and maybe Brokering Deals, or the Savvyhead with a workspace of Controlled Growing Environment, Skilled Labor, and Truck or Van (specifically, the tractor). If you could only get the Maestro D' special move in there, too, I think the Operator would be just about perfect. (Once you feed somebody, you pretty much accept being responsible for keeping them happy.)