I just started calling it Dungeon World Hack a few days ago

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I just started calling it Dungeon World Hack a few days ago
« on: February 09, 2011, 12:49:01 AM »
Then I read the announcement on Story Games.  I've been plodding along with my hack-of-a-hack-of-a-hack for a couple months, since the last version of DW was problematic for the way I run this kind of game; after getting someone else to run it for me, the need for really clear text became evident and this is the main document now:


The new version of DW is looking pretty sweet, so I thought I'd get active in the actual discussion.

I have setting notes (elsewhere) for what I'm calling 'Generic D&D', and rough notes for Hyrule, Morrowind, a general Final Fantasy setting, and a dungeon-oriented part of Warhammer.  The little bit of playtesting I've done has gone well, and I'm especially excited about how intuitively 'adventures' and 'challenges' work for me.  A huge surprise was the near-complete transparency between MC moves in AW and DM moves; I was expecting a real need to shift and re-focus the moves but they map almost perfectly.

I'm really looking forward to 'Dungeon Fronts' ('adventures' work really well but 'challenges' lack the coherence of function that threat types from AW have).  Most of all, I wanted to say thanks, both for AW and for these hacks.