[old, ignore this] Yeah?

  • 13 Replies
[old, ignore this] Yeah?
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:08:14 PM »

[link redacted]

I bandied things about a lot, went back to my original notes, tore it down, went back to the first published draft, kicked things a bit and here it is.

To be perfectly honest not much has changed from the previous draft. I certainly expected to change the fight move, but it's still the same. I think all the playbooks are pretty settled now and I think the doc has everything you need to play. If anything is wrong, confusing or missing let me know.

I expect a bunch of moves to get trashed or changed as actual play shows them to be boring or broken, so if you get the chance to play please push it hard and see if anything breaks. I think the reward cycle is not as strong as I initially hoped but I could be wrong.

The layout is a bit balls. I'll fix it when I can.

EDIT: Crap, I just noticed a bunch of text regarding Bonds is missing. I'll fix it asap.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 09:57:16 AM by Gregor Vuga »

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 02:10:08 PM »
I like the concept very much... I really hope to play it soon. I'll give you feedback when I can.

PS: the link's broken. Here's the [redacted] one.

PPS: (nitpicking) the Freeman's font size is smaller than in the other playbooks.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 09:57:48 AM by Gregor Vuga »

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 02:21:50 PM »

Yeah, I noticed that one. It's funny how you always notice a bunch of mistakes only after something goes public.

So far I've noticed:
-a large chunk of the Bonds text is missing
-the Free Man's title font is too small
-the Free Man's highlight circle for Wyrd is borken
-the Shield Maiden and subsequent playbooks have a slightly different alignment than the previous ones
-there is an empty page between the basic and peripheral moves (p.18)

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 05:54:52 PM »
The get into a fight move also seems to be missing. Apparently a Shieldmaiden can get into a fight like a man, but there's no other mention of the move. There's the one about fight with your weapons and armour but that seems like it would modify a move, not actually resolve a fight.

Is there a missing move, or has get into a fight been renamed?

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 06:17:28 PM »
Hi Gregor, some questions/notes:

* Seidkona: what does "mark a child with the gift of sorcery" - from the improvement section - mean, exactly?

* Free Woman: there are two slots of "get a new move from your playbook", but the only case in which both could be taken it is if she started with the "Celt" move, and then picked up the "Young" move as an improvement. If she starts with Young, she can't then pick up two moves from her playbook as an improvement. Is this intentional?

* Still in the Free Woman playbook: the move "She-Wolf" has a "when you fight back clause".
How can women inflict harm/fight? With the "trade harm for harm" and "tell them possible consequences and ask" moves from the MC's list?

* Lastly: harm. There's no counter, right? When you suffer harm, you just roll on the harm move, you don't have to fill clocks or whatever, have I got this right?
In that case: the Seidkona has the option "heal 1 harm" in her Midwife move; what does it mean?


I must tell you I really want to play it, now that I've read it. Like, REALLY.

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2011, 05:46:49 AM »
The get into a fight move also seems to be missing. Apparently a Shieldmaiden can get into a fight like a man, but there's no other mention of the move. There's the one about fight with your weapons and armour but that seems like it would modify a move, not actually resolve a fight.

Is there a missing move, or has get into a fight been renamed?
Yes! Those are both the same move. My bad.

1."mark a child with the gift of sorcery" is a purely fictional move and you are left to interpret it as you will. Not all advances in SotI have obvious beneficial effects, they're more of a pacing mechanism really.
2. Not intentional. It's an oversight on my part. She needs an extra move.
3. Yes. Everyone can inflict harm as established, by cutting your throat while you're asleep for example. You can also trade harm for ham (again, as established). Otherwise if their enemy is fighting back (get into a fight) women are in a bad position, because they don't have a basic fighting move, which gives men a definite edge. At least that's how it's supposed to work.
4. Correct, there is no counter. I wanted to see if I could get away without "hitpoints". "It doesn't get better" from the Harm roll is, again, a purely fictional move...it's very much like when you roll 20 fallout in Dogs.
The "heal 1 harm" bit is a leftover from the earlier draft, again, my bad.

Thanks guys, this is helping a lot.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 05:52:18 AM by Gregor Vuga »

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2011, 06:46:14 AM »
Ok, thanks!
I like very much both tha harm move and the take on fighting.

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 12:47:31 PM »
*Bouncing up and down RIGHT NOW!* Sooooo cool! How am I not going to drop my current ApW game and start this instead. How?

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2011, 04:24:05 PM »
Well, I had a good night of playing this game with some lovely icelanders who are really loving this game.

They are raring to play it again, although with a few minor tweaks. I made a more indepth comment here

Basically we all LOVED this hack.

Only few issues were
- villages and holdings need to get in there.
- women REALLY control the men. Perhaps too much so.
- Barter and Bonds - needs more!!!!
- Wyrd seems to be missing, want more prophesy and fate involved.

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2011, 08:00:47 PM »
Don't know if you're still working on this hack ... I really dig it, I'm about to run a session or so this weekend. Thought I'd take notes and let you know how it goes when finished.

In the mean time I noticed this contrast:
The Free Man's scrape together a living is listed such that on a 7-9, if one is running several trades, one acquires profit from one and catastrophe from the rest. I was wondering if this is intentional, because in AW, p. 262, on a 7-9 for gigs (multiple) you get catastrophe from one and profit from the rest.

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2012, 07:42:10 AM »
Hi, Diomede!

Vincent wrote about how some hacks were reskins and others needed deeper tinkering. At first, Sagas was more of a reskin, with analogues. "The Viking" was going to be the "Gunlugger" of the game etc. I used the Operator's gig move because I didn't have anything better to go on at the time.

I'm still working on it - or rather I'd like to believe I'm finishing it (I'll post the new documents in a new thread just as soon as I finish typing this). I have since thrown out that move (and others) I believe the new move I have created for the purpose will work a lot better.

Re: Yeah?
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2012, 03:01:07 AM »
Gregor, how is combat handled? I don't see it in the new docs. Is it still the old "When you fight with your weapons and armor" move? All I see is the Huscarl's Berserker move.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 03:08:20 AM by Gavinwulf »

Re: [old, ignore this] Yeah?
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2012, 09:59:24 AM »
There is no fighting move in the final version. So far that seems to be working fine.

Men must roll in a physical conflict, but otherwise it's all done in the fiction and inflicting harm and trading harm for harm as established.

Re: [old, ignore this] Yeah?
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2012, 01:04:45 AM »
Just played a pretty recent version with Jason Morningstar and some other folks at Camp Nerdly.
Physical challenges were understood to be most any dangerous, possibly competitive, activity, be it a footrace, a swimming contest, or a holmgang-duel. In our one-shot session last night, the physical challenges were all combat.

But the choices under accept a physical challenge are all pretty vague, which is awesome:
- better/faster/stronger when it counts
- you don't tempt fate
- your feat is admirable; somebody notices
- your feat is memorable; take +1 forward against them

This is an incredibly flexible move. I had been under the impression that "physical challenge" meant combat, 1:1, but this move here could be suitable for a lot of different activities, kind of like contests in Agon. The point is that someone comes out on top, and there's a larger social context to your actions. That's pretty cool.

Anyway, I go on too much. It was a solid session, and I'm impressed.