Hey everyone, I'm running a 1st edition game of AW, and I'm having trouble pinning down what an NPC's deal is. I'm pretty sure she's a Grotesque: Disease Vector, based on her actions so far. She left her cushy high-ranking position in an enemy holding to run away with the Operator for apparently purely heart-based reasons, which leads me to believe she "craves intimate contact."
Normally, I'd say she's just carrying some sort of literal disease and be done with it, but I've been specifically banned from using any plague or contagious disease by a player who gets too real-world freaked out by that kind of shit. So now I'm trying to figure out what kind of figurative or mental disease she could be carrying that's in the spirit of the Threat type, but won't be upsetting to my player.
(Alternately, she could be some other threat type, but willingly ceding power makes me think she's no Warlord, and she doesn't seem fucked up enough to be another kind of Grotesque.)