Heh.. Its a nice lie :) But I see where you are coming from, and I've noticed it HEAVILY in the game we are playing.
I've got the playtest version. The one that says "warning this is a playtest document - not a finished game" in the front :)
Our group has played a lot of Ecalted, WoD and Vampire games in the past few years - I tried some other games (In a Wicked age, Prime Time, Dogs in the Vinyard, Mouseguard) But all of the pretty much failed for the group. I believe that we've had a tendancy to play the game at a little distance. Everyone tends to know everything that is going on, and we've tended to be trying to "tell a story" and place a lot of importance in "plot". But similarly, a lot of time we've been not quite "in character", but talking about "my character makes a flowery speech to get the acceptance of NPC X" type thing.
AW really has brought us deep "in character", and it has been awesome. The problem is (i think) our tendancy for the player to act at a distance, while the rules really want us to be "in the trenches".
With things like "seize by force", it is noticeable straight away who is an "old timer" and who is the "newbie" to the group. The regulars talk about "I want to attack that NPC", while the newbie is talking about "I cover my friend by grabbing the attention of NPC with a few shots)
The biggest trouble, espeicially my "old timers" are having is that they feel frustrated at the limited choices of the moves. I think i'm to blame as much, as I tend to answer the questions directly to the players, rather than the characters :(
The examples that came to the front most of all were:
Ready: "Young girl, where are your parents? Aren't they worried about you?"
Shadow: "I'm an orphan. I worry about myself.
R: "How about a guardian? Friends? Isn't there anyone to look after you?"
S - Looking meaningfully at the pile of guns "I can look after myself", moved to get up
R: "Wait, wait young one. You need to be careful of those injuries. You should rest here the night"
Now, Shadow wants to know why the doc wants to keep her there and rolls "read a person"
Is he telling the truth - yes, the injuries were bad, she needs rest
Shadow then opens her mind to the Psychic Maelstrom - she gets an impression of voices "Hungry.... Blooooood"
(still frustration - I haven't told her why the doctor is acting that way)
Another scene, Amiette our Brainer has seduced Brewer (a overweight dandy who surrounds himself with beauty, and is the local source of fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits)
She sneaks into his room and arrays herself seductively on the bed, when Brewer lumbers into the room the rolls to seduce him (10), and wants him to sleep with her. Brewer takes one look at her and immediately starts divesting himself and lowers himself onto the bed.
The player then says that she wants to find out what he's really up to, She does her sex move and deep brain scans him - (frustration) cant find a question that she really wants answered. She goes with
"What are your secret pains". - Brewer surrounds himself with beauty and polite manners as he is deathly afraid of violence and mess, afraid of how he will react to it".
At Story Games, some others have provided some answers for me, which give me a better feel... but still :) What were you intending with those moves and questions.
And what am I doing wrong?