My game is physically fairly small. Everywhere on the map can be reached by horse within a week or ten days. My goal was to keep all of the major locations within one day of travel from any other, and then I stretched them along a rough "y" shape.
Given their oaths, my group clustered naturally into two "teams": the OH, WH, and WW in one, and the TK and DH in the other.
We calculated the relationship of the OH with the monachy, and determined that the current King claims the throne under Noble Blood, but the OH has a claim under the Blood of Eagles. The Mountain Clan Queen on the DH sheet I have decided also has a claim to the throne under the Old Blood, but that hasn't come up yet.
Once fortunes were rolled, I found it fairly easy to find reasons for the two teams to be pointed at each other at the start, and they met up by the end of session one. Session two is this Sunday.